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Conducting Officer

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ING Solutions Investment Management (ISIM) is looking for a Conducting Officer to support the current and planned developments of its activities in Luxembourg.

Your working environment

ISIM is a subsidiary of ING Luxembourg. ISIM benefits from the status of a “Super ManCo” as it has the licenses to manage both UCITS and Alternative Investment Fund (AIF).

ISIM oversees Investment funds distributed by ING Group entities.

Launched in 2014, ISIM is pursuing its development and its positioning as the Management Company (‘ManCo’) of ING Group and is the key tool for Investment fund solutions within the Group, reaching assets under management of roughly 40bln EUR.

ISIM is looking for a Conducting Officer to reinforce its management team in the context of the development of its activity.

Job description

Conducting Officer of the Management Company (ManCo):

As a member of the Management Board, you will be responsible for, collectively with the other members, driving the business and supervising the investment fund activities of the ManCo by performing tasks including but not limited to:

  • Ensuring the proper organisation of the Company and setting-up of delegated activities, taking into account the evolution of the regulatory environment and the development of the ManCo activities;

  • Supervising investment funds’ activities and services rendered by delegates;

  • Ensuring adequate reporting to the Supervisory Board of the ManCo and the Board of Directors of the funds.

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