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Reliability Programme Mgr – Tech BE SRE – CSM – Change Expert

ING Bank

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Reliability Programme Mgr - Change Expert V

Tech BE / Site Reliability Engineering

50% work from home

A day in the life of a Reliability Programme Manager

  • Prioritise the right improvement projects/requirements and follow up on the reliability roadmap
  • Contribute to the global SRE strategy and roadmap; implement practices in local IT services & teams
  • Ensure correct and adequate metrics and reporting on availability of services
  • Build and communicate a clear vision and change the reliability mindset and Drive adoption of SRE practices
  • Steer on reliability with the management team on all levels (Engineers, ITAL, ITL, CIO, ExCo)

How to succeed

We hire smart people like you for your potential. Our biggest expectation is that you’ll stay curious. Keep learning. Take on responsibility. In return, we’ll back you to develop into an even more awesome version of yourself.

  • Project & Programme Mgm experience
  • Knowledge and experience with SRE practices in large organisations
  • Good understanding of IT operations and architecture
  • Communicate clearly in English towards engineers, team leaders and all levels of management
  • Have a continuous learning mindset adopting SRE market trends

As a Reliability Programme Mgr, you will have the opportunity to: 

  • Learn from incidents how an enterprise IT really works
  • Get regular exposure to MT Tech BE
  • Drive Improvement projects across a large organisation

The team

The Site Reliability department consists of 6 teams each with their expertise: SRE’s, API engineer, CoE Testing, IT Continuity, Change/Cfg/Capacity Mgm & Major Incident Mgm. You report directly to the SRE Lead and leverage on these 6 teams and the Global SRE colleagues to make a positive impact with all Tech BE engineers… towards high availability of Tech BE services

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Mustapha ALAOUI

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