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Power BI Expert

ING Hubs

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We are looking for you, if you have:

  • Experience in development and administration of BI systems (3+ years),
  • Experience in shared, multi-technology infrastructure,
  • Strong knowledge of physical database design and data structures,
  • Proficiency in Oracle or MS Sql databases (DQL, DML, DDL, DCL),  ETL processes, troubleshooting, optimization performance,
  • Understanding of data management (permissions, recovery, security, monitoring),
  • Proficiency in creating functional, efficient and visually compelling reports, using DAX, data storytelling,
  • Analytical mindset, conceptual/architectural understanding, self-motivation, problem-solving attitude, collaborative team spirit,
  • Good Communication skills in English.

You'll get extra points for:

  • Practical experience in Data Warehousing, MS Fabric,
  • Experience in maintaining and building Azure pipelines,
  • Experience in LDAP querying, PowerShell or Python,
  • Experience in banking industry,
  • Commitment, ability and willingness to learn quickly,
  • Practical knowledge of CI/CD process and version control systems.

Your responsibilities:

  • Working closely with team members to achieve common goals, participation in setting clear, achievable objectives and working diligently to meet them, embracing responsibility for the team’s success,
  • Collaboration with stakeholders, gathering, understanding, deepening business requirements, translating business needs into meaningful and appealing dashboards that provide valuable insights,
  • Understanding the environment, existing flows, processes, company standards,
  • Following defined processes and standards, proactively seeking for improvements, driving changes,
  • Installation and configuration of BI system,
  • Development and administration of BI system, timely reaction to issues,
  • Management of deployments,
  • Building complex and efficient data structures and queries, designing and implementing data models, tunning and optimization,
  • Understanding and transformation of raw data, understanding usage patterns,
  • Ensuring data accuracy and integrity in all reports and dashboards,
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest Power BI features and best practices,
  • Providing guidance and support to less experienced team members,
  • Providing training and support to stakeholders on how to use Power BI tools effectively,
  • Documenting.

Information about the squad:

As a squad, we build and maintain the environment providing reporting capabilities. We consolidate data from various Identity and Access Management systems, present them, execute data analyses and provide suggestions based on our findings. Our mission is enabling consumers in delivery of company strategy, support in driving critical business decisions.

Our team is responsible for entire stack from back-end up to front-end (implementation, maintenance, data feeds, troubleshooting, report building, analyses, data presentation, data access, compliance) in shared multi-technology environment.

We cooperate with various local and foreign teams within ING group.

The core technologies we are working with are Windows, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Power BI Report Server, Azure, OpenShift.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer IV”.

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