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Covered Bonds/SSA Trader (VP or Director)

ING Bank

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Department Overview:

Global Credit Trading team (“GCT”) is responsible for credit trading in Emerging Europe, Asia and European IG, Covered Bonds, SSA, HY and US IG. The group is an active market maker in credit and supports primary bond activity. Flow trading, credit analysis, pricing, structuring, execution, hedging, electronic/voice trading and distribution are key components of the business. The team interact daily with Sales, Research and DCM/Syndicate.

GCT aims to be at the front of the ongoing transformation in financial markets aided by data analytics and systematic trading. Successful candidates will be change leaders, with ambition to improve performance through the adoption of technology.

Main Duties and Responsibilities of Role:

GCT operates in a high paced environment and is looking for a candidate who can learn quickly and adapt to this fluid environment. The candidate will be part of the Credit Trading team and work closely with 4 other team members trading Financial Credit, including Covered & SSA, in London and interact regularly with Sales, Syndicate, Research and Risk Management functions. It is essential that the candidate has a solid track record in trading Covered/SSA risk as he/she is expected to start trading straight away.

  • Make markets competitively and consistently in Covereds/SSA products to the firm’s clients with the objective of producing stable sustainable revenue across the credit cycle.

  • Maintain an active trading style and provide market colour to clients, sales and DCM.

  • Use and promote technology proactively.

  • Identify opportunities to increase market share & product income and execute initiatives to achieve it.

  • Promote ING's Credit Trading franchise.

  • Trade in various markets (bonds/swaps/futures).

Candidate Profile


Essential :            

  • University degree (at least 2:1).


  • University degree from a top university most likely in a maths/finance/economics/engineering subject

  • Advanced degree (post-graduate)



  • At least 5 years trading Covered and/or SSA.

  • Excel, Word and PowerPoint.

  • Good understanding of fixed income products and bank fundamental analysis

  • A meaningful client network within the product


  • Coding Skills: Python, Java

Personal Competencies


  • Can do’ attitude, positive mind set, adaptability and resilience.

  • Curious, entrepreneurial and innovative problem solver.

  • Genuine team player.

  • Clear, concise and transparent communicator.

  • Disciplined, customer-focused and results-driven.

  • Attention to detail and disciplined.

  • Able to work under pressure and in a high-paced environment.

  • Ability to ingest large amounts of data under time pressure.

  • Accountable for own actions and able to learn from mistakes.


  • Other languages

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Amanda Whitehead

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