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Market Risk Graduate Intern Program (12mths)

ING Bank

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ING’s purpose is ‘Empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in business’. Every ING colleague is given the opportunity to contribute to that vision. We champion self-reliance and foster a collaborative and innovative culture. The Orange Code is our global manifesto for how we stay true to our purpose and our tradition of reinvention and empowerment. It is made up of ING Values (we are honest; we are prudent; we are responsible) and ING Behaviours: (you take it on and make it happen; you help others to be successful; you are always a step ahead)  

For us, success will only be achieved if we act with Integrity.

Some companies see diversity as a box to be ticked. We see it as fundamental to our success and we encourage a proper work/life balance.  At ING, you will be judged on your performance in line with the Orange Code. And that’s a promise. 

Department Overview:

Trading Risk Management (TRM) London is team of more than 70 people supporting all Financial Markets businesses.  TRM is responsible for Market Risk, Product Control and IPV. Market risk looks at the movement in market parameters, such as interest rates, credit spreads, FX rates, and their impact on trading portfolio valuations.. The department’s core activity is measuring and analysing the financial risks of the trading desks as well as the day-to-day profit and loss generated by traders. This requires close liaison with front office traders.

Main Duties and Responsibilities could include some of the following:

  • Reporting of the P&L and Risk for a specific trading desk.

  • o    P&L reporting includes: confirmation of full trade coverage with reconciliation breaks appropriately managed; explanation of the P&L.

  • o    Risk reporting includes: Value at Risk reporting and validation of the computation through full trade coverage validations and market data checks; sensitivity reporting and limit checking.

  • Developing a deep understanding of the products and markets covered by the trading desk.

  • Discussing results / market developments with the trader.

  • Pro-actively looking for risks / market developments / control issues that are not covered by standard reporting.

  • Contribute to project supporting the following: Stress Testing, Initial Margining, Capital calculations, ING funding requirements, Reporting re-design.

Candidate Profile


  • Essential: progress towards a university degree (at least 2:1) in Finance/Economics/Econometrics or a numerically oriented degree. Strong A-level results.



  • Strong interest in financial markets.

  • Highly competent with Microsoft Excel.


  • Programming skills (familiarity with VBA, SQL, Python).

  • Accounting

  • Economics

Personal Competencies


  • Delivery focused with strong analytical skills.

  • Good verbal and written communication skills.

  • Organised and detail orientated.

  • Approachable and willing to challenge different stakeholders, such as front office, higher management and other support functions.

  • Energetic, creative, able to work independently. 

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Lester Deeble

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Bei der ING möchten wir, dass jeder sein volles Potenzial entfalten kann. Wir schaffen eine Kultur, in der jeder wachsen und einen Unterschied machen kann – für unsere Kundinnen und Kunden und die Gesellschaft. Diversität, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion sind für uns selbstverständlich. Wir tolerieren keine Form der Diskriminierung, sei es aufgrund von Alter, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, kulturellem Hintergrund, Erfahrung, Religion, Herkunft, Behinderung, familiären Verpflichtungen, sexueller Orientierung oder anderen Gründen. Wenn Ihr während des Bewerbungsprozesses oder der Vorstellungsgespräche Unterstützung benötigt, kontaktiert uns bitte über die E-Mail-Adresse in der Stellenanzeige. Wir helfen gerne, um einen fairen und einfachen Ablauf sicherzustellen. Hier erfahrt Ihr mehr über unser Engagement für Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging.

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