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About the Tribe KYC Services

KYC Services aims to minimize the risk of ING becoming involved in money laundering, terrorist financing or other reputational risks. This includes customer onboarding, periodic and event driven reviews, name screening, pre-transaction screening, post-transaction monitoring, and ultimately the offboarding of customers. By providing policy, process design and tooling, tribe KYC Services contributes to our social role as a gatekeeper to protect our financial infrastructure against financial crime.

Our tribe consists of multiple areas: Policy team, KYC Cockpit, CDD & Digitization, Transaction Monitoring, Screening, Data & Management Information.

Roles and responsibilities

As a Business Analysts, with focus on data quality, you have different roles: you act as Data Steward, you are responsible for the Data Governance within the Tribe and you are the person to go in case of Data Quality related questions to help the business. 

This means that you are the data pivot to provide information and insights about the Data Quality of the KYC processes through reports and dashboards. This will help the business to be aware of the quality of their data points and pro-active improve their processes. Based on your findings, you (re-) design data quality rules and you make sure that proper follow-up by the various squads is done in terms of structural solutions. 

You work in a complex stakeholder environment, you work together with Data Management, Global KYC, KYC NL, CDO, and many other stakeholders. You control all facets to convey the right message from (complex) data to support decision making.

An example of this is continuous monitoring of data mapping in various processes and/or systems. A trigger for the prioritization of such items could be the further automation of processing data elements for KYC processes, like the deduplication of records. And you do that by unlocking data from multiple sources, merging it and rendering it in tables, visualizations and action-oriented worklists for remediation efforts.  

How to succeed 

We hire smart people like you for your potential. Our biggest expectation is that you’ll stay curious. Keep learning. Take on responsibility. In return, we back you to develop into an even more awesome version of yourself.

You get energy from working on concrete and tangible results for our customers in a complex and dynamic environment. You know how to prioritize and have a strong delivery focus, in order to continuously keep improving KYC processes at the benefit of our customers. 

Experience & Knowledge

  • Experience and knowledge of KYC processes (transaction knowledge, alert handling, compliance experience)
  • Support customer-oriented actions using data driven analysis
  • You are hands-on and you are able to create dashboard using complex SQL queries
  • Between 5 to 7+ years of relevant work experience
  • You understand data architecture and data quality frameworks
  • You have a track record in data governance, data ownership, metadata, GRDM, lineage
  • You have experience with implementing Data Management Process Control Standard
  • Strong understanding of data structures and model development
  • Data warehouse concepts and data modelling techniques 

Skills & Competences

  • Great communication skills and stakeholder management and shows resilience 
  • You have strong analytical skills and
  • You have affinity with the use of different IT tools 
  • Excellent in English
  • You are proactive, energetic, creative and an out-of-the box thinker who likes to work in a multidisciplinary team in an agile environment and who can also work independently and take accountability.
  • You stimulate interaction and alignment between people, Tribes, Squads and Chapters
  • You give and ask for constructive feedback
  • Ability to take responsibility, and deliver realizations based on facts and data

You are Internationally oriented and can easily work in a multicultural environment 

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Bei der ING möchten wir, dass jeder sein volles Potenzial entfalten kann. Wir schaffen eine Kultur, in der jeder wachsen und einen Unterschied machen kann – für unsere Kundinnen und Kunden und die Gesellschaft. Diversität, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion sind für uns selbstverständlich. Wir tolerieren keine Form der Diskriminierung, sei es aufgrund von Alter, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, kulturellem Hintergrund, Erfahrung, Religion, Herkunft, Behinderung, familiären Verpflichtungen, sexueller Orientierung oder anderen Gründen. Wenn Ihr während des Bewerbungsprozesses oder der Vorstellungsgespräche Unterstützung benötigt, kontaktiert uns bitte über die E-Mail-Adresse in der Stellenanzeige. Wir helfen gerne, um einen fairen und einfachen Ablauf sicherzustellen. Hier erfahrt Ihr mehr über unser Engagement für Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging.

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