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Fullstack Engineer

ING Hubs

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Key Responsibilities

You are a highly skilled Software Engineer with a Full Stack engineering knowledge and mentality and the capacity to understand and formalize complex business processes. You have excellent communication and social skills. You find the quality of the result as a personal responsibility and understand what team-work is. Your problem solving skills are relevant, time proven and your given solutions are structural

Minimum Qualifications :

Must have relevant knowledge of :

  • Object Oriented/Functional/Procedural programming;

  • Java universe (language/platforms/tooling);

  • HTML/JavaScript universe (language/frameworks, tooling);

  • Software Design Principles and Patterns;

  • Relational databases with Oracle experience;

  • Containerization solutions (Docker, Kubernetes);

  • Logging and monitoring solutions and principles;

  • Deployment pipelines usage and configuration (Azure DevOps is plus)

  • Testing best practices and frameworks;

  • Source Control Management solutions (working knowledge of Git).

  • Experience of Agile way of working;

  • Excellent spoken English;

  • Communication (written/verbal) to be well developed and of a professional standard;

  • Software Engineering completed education (minimum Bachelor).

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