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ALM Liquidity Risk Management - Vice President / Director

ING Bank

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TRM NY| ALM- Liquidity Risk Management | Vice President / Director | New York

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In Americas, ING’s Wholesale Banking division offers a broad range of innovative financial products and services to domestic and international corporate and institutional clients. 

When you come to work at ING, you’re joining a team where individuality isn’t just accepted, it’s encouraged. We’ve built a culture that’s fun, friendly and supportive – it’s the kind of place where you can be yourself and make the most of whatever you have to offer.

We give people the freedom to take risks, think differently, take ownership of their work, and make great things happen. We’re here to help you get ahead. And with our global network, there’s plenty of scope to take your career in new directions, perhaps even ones you’ve never considered.

Sound like the kind of place you’d feel at home? We’d love to hear from you.

About the department:

The TRM group has primary responsibility to provide independent and effective on-site monitoring, controlling, reporting and assessment of ING US’ market risk positions. The ALM team is part of TRM and responsible for assessing asset liability alignment, interest rate and liquidity risk.


  • Responsible for reviewing and challenging liquidity management in the areas of: risk appetite and limit setting; LCR; stress testing methodologies and models, scenario design, cashflow projections, intraday liquidity risk, collateral management, contingency funding plan, recovery and resolution planning.
  • Develop, measure and report stress tests and scenario analyses to evaluate the resilience of the ING US’ liquidity risk positions.
  • Have a strong understanding of liquidity risk management techniques as well as product knowledge including: corporate deposits, corporate lending, FX derivatives, secured borrowing and lending, investment portfolio (HQLA/non-HQLA).
  • Responsible for regional and entity specific liquidity forecasting and scenario analysis.
  • Collaborate with Treasury’s Balance Sheet Management team to provide constructive feedback and recommendations to optimizing the balance sheet and liquidity across legal entities and the region.
  • Keep abreast of liquidity risk regulations with respect to U.S. and foreign regulators.
  • Independently and effectively challenge the first line of defense on ING US’ liquidity risk positions.
  • Participate in periodic SOX, Model Validation and Audit reviews

Qualifications and Competencies


  • 10+ years of banking experience
  • Bachelors or master’s degree. Business, Finance or Computer Science preferred
  • Strong background in liquidity management within a global banking institution.
  • Prior exposure to US regulators (Fed, OCC) is required.
  • Excellent written, verbal and analytical skills with the ability to break down complex problems simplistically.

Base Salary range:  $200K - $250K

ING is a committed equal opportunity employer. We welcome applicants of diverse backgrounds and hire without regard to color, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law. We celebrate these differences and rely upon your unique perspective to innovate and seize new opportunities. Come as you are.

ING Bank does not have a commercial banking license in the U.S. and therefore not permitted to conduct a commercial banking business in the U.S. Through its wholly owned subsidiary ING Financial Services LLC, and its affiliates, it offers a full array of wholesale products such as commercial lending and a full range of FM products and services.

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