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Advanced Data and Machine Learning Engineer

ING Hubs

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We are looking for you if, you have:
  • very good knowledge of Spark and Python,

  • hands-on experience building complex data pipelines,

  • good understanding of ML models deployment and consumption patterns,

  • ability to refactor, maintain, debug existing machine learnings solutions,

  • experience in deployment and provisioning automation tools (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD),

  • problem-solving skills, being able to troubleshoot and optimize ML models.

You'll get extra points for:

  • interest in banking and banking products,

  • experience working in international, cross functional teams,

  • knowledge in Airflow, GCP (Dataproc, BigQuery, GCS), Azure pipelines.

Your responsibilities:

  • develop and maintain a code base that produces ML models for different business units,

  • refactor, simplify complexity continuously (e.g. batch to stream processing),

  • improve data flow, establish new data sources and deployment,

  • troubleshoot data issues, providing robust solutions to ensure optimal performance and reliability,

  • continuously optimize our systems for performance and cost-effectiveness,

  • document technical specifications, procedures, and outcomes,

  • use Azure DevOps for CI/CD, task tracking, version control, and other DevOps practices.

Information about team:

You will be part of an international highly skilled team of data scientists, analyst, and machine learning/data engineers. You will be working in an agile environment helping ING to achieve its goals on a global scale. The Orchestrator program at ING is more than just a technological marvel - it's a manifestation of ING's vision for a customer-centric, intelligent, and globally aligned banking experience. Whether it's the personalization that customers experience, the AI-powered insights that drive decisions, the global reach of the program, or the innovative utilization of recommender engines, the Orchestrator stands as a symbol of what modern banking can be. It represents a blend of technology and empathy, efficiency and engagement, and above all, a relentless pursuit of excellence that echoes ING's core values and aspirations.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer IV”.

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