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Automation in Credit Risk

ING Hubs

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ING Hubs Poland is hiring!

We are looking for you:

  • you have experience as a python programmer and can interpret requirements and specifications,
  • you have experience in preparing technical documentation and user manuals,
  • you are able to design and implement data structures (working with metadata),
  • you are able to write advanced SQL queries and use them for data analysis and transformation,
  • you have a university degree in statistics, econometrics, mathematics, physics, IT or management,
  • you have worked in the financial or IT sector,
  • you are fluent in English.

English level - B2.

We are looking for you:

  • working knowledge and practical experience with Agile and Lean,
  • another programming language knowledge (e.g., SAS),
  • you have experience in Docker, SAS Viya programme,
  • quantitative background.

Additional skills:

  • you actively take care of expanding your knowledge and applying current market trends at work,
  • you are able to work remotely from the other members of the team, in a multinational context,
  • you like to work in a multidisciplinary squad,
  • you continuously improve the way you are working, and you strive to work as a high performing individual.

Your responsibilities:

  • programming and statistical analysis,
  • requirements gathering and analysis,
  • stakeholders collaboration,
  • IT Operations Support.

Information about the squad:

Model Tooling Factory (MTF) is a fast growing, energetic, international team of highly qualified Model Risk experts, Business Analysts, and Developers. Team is developing and rolling out the tools, tailored for model development, model monitoring & validation purposes according to model life cycle within credit risk area. The MTF team supports global and local risk communities by delivering automated solutions. Within Risk Hub Warsaw, we are looking for Developers who design and perform business requirements translation and implementation. At ING Hubs Poland and ING group we follow the Agile approach and mindset. We use flexible frameworks like Scrum and Kanban at our everyday work. We are innovative and we trust people we work with. The broad autonomy our employees have, stimulates motivation and creativity what allows us to adapt to the changing requirements of business partners. Small units called squads are the core of our organization. They have clear vision of products, overcome challenges autonomously and based on team cooperation, work out the most flexible and effective way of working.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be "Data Scientist II"

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