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Senior Specialist in Credit Risk Models

ING Hubs

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We are looking for you, if you:

  • have high analytical skills and can ‘connect the dots’,

  • graduated in Econometrics, Financial Mathematics, Quantitative Financial Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics,

  • have at least 3 years of experience in IFRS9/IRB models’ development, monitoring, or validation,

  • are proficient in programming languages like SAS and/or Python/R,

  • are keen on working in English speaking environment (C1 level or higher),

  • are a team player, well-organized and focused on quality and effective solutions.

You’ll get extra points for:

  • risk modelling experience within IRB/IFRS9 domains,

  • experience with databases, data preparation and data quality control,

  • advanced statistical techniques knowledge,

  • presentation skills,

  • independent, creative and pro-active mind-set.

Your responsibilities:

  • monitoring, development and recalibration of credit risk models across all parameters (PD, LGD and EAD) within both AIRB and IFRS9 landscapes,

  • sharing your knowledge and expertise,

  • communicating with stakeholders to achieve the best outcomes,

  • writing insightful reports for stakeholders and documenting important information,

  • taking part in activities related to introducing changes to the models or performing additional analysis.

Information about the squad:

We are an international team of people, who feel well working together. We are responsible for credit risk models of the biggest ING portfolio and collaborating closely with colleagues in Amsterdam. Our goal is to make sure that our stakeholders work with the best state-of-the art models.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Model Developer III”.

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Bei der ING möchten wir, dass jeder sein volles Potenzial entfalten kann. Wir schaffen eine Kultur, in der jeder wachsen und einen Unterschied machen kann – für unsere Kundinnen und Kunden und die Gesellschaft. Diversität, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion sind für uns selbstverständlich. Wir tolerieren keine Form der Diskriminierung, sei es aufgrund von Alter, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, kulturellem Hintergrund, Erfahrung, Religion, Herkunft, Behinderung, familiären Verpflichtungen, sexueller Orientierung oder anderen Gründen. Wenn Ihr während des Bewerbungsprozesses oder der Vorstellungsgespräche Unterstützung benötigt, kontaktiert uns bitte über die E-Mail-Adresse in der Stellenanzeige. Wir helfen gerne, um einen fairen und einfachen Ablauf sicherzustellen. Hier erfahrt Ihr mehr über unser Engagement für Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging.

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