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Internship Debt Capital Markets – IG Financial Institutions Origination

ING Bank

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The ING Debt Capital Markets (DCM) origination team in Amsterdam offers off-cycle internship positions to high potential candidates with a strong motivation to work in Debt Capital Markets (DCM). As an intern you will support Originators with the aim to maximize ING’s chances to execute bond mandates for its client base. 

Job description 
As an intern you will be working with the Investment Grade FIG origination team covering key ING clients in Belux, CEEMEA, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Nordics and the UK. The job will among other things comprise the following aspects:
•    Provide direct support to DCM originators with the aim to win new business 
•    Being part of the deal team to support deal execution 
•    Taking the lead in producing content and presentation materials  
•    Coordinate and prepare market and pricing updates  
•    Identify market opportunities by applying knowledge from various market sources (Bloomberg, macro-economic research, client specific news, etc.) 
•    Liaise with other key ING stakeholders to identify opportunities, enhance internal cooperation and to maximize client cross-buy (e.g. Sector Coverage relationship managers, other DCM departments, DCM Syndicate, Capital Structuring & Advisory, FM Research, FM FIG Sales, FM Client Solutions Group) 
•    Support product development within DCM team (e.g. ESG bond structuring, Hybrid Capital, Liability Management and Private Placements) 

•    Applicants will need to be EU nationals or non-EU students enrolled in a EU university
•    Applicants need to be registered as a student with an educational institution for the full duration of the internship
•    Applicants need to be available full-time for the full duration of the internship

•    Duration: 6 months preferred, starting June 2025.

To be considered for this internship we require the following knowledge and experience: 
•    Demonstrable affinity with Corporate Finance and Financial Markets
•    Well-rounded academic background with coursework in finance and / or economics preferred
•    Minimum of Bachelor of Science degree required, Master level preferred from an internationally acclaimed university
•    Basic knowledge of international bond markets and fixed income instruments 
•    Basic macro-economic knowledge to ‘read’ the market and identify opportunities 
•    Fluent in English
•    Excellent (English) writing and verbal communication skills
•    Advanced Power Point and Excel skills, and preferably also with Bloomberg Terminal 
•    Capable to read balance sheet, P&L and cash flow statements
•    Ability to work well under pressure and tight deadlines and willingness to go the extra mile

What do we offer? 
•    Unique opportunity to learn about Capital Markets in practice
•    Advanced training on the job: Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters (Eikon, One Banker, Datastream), SNL, MS Office
•    Exposure to complex projects requiring cooperation with other departments
•    Live deal-execution experience with an active role in deals with high market visibility and international press coverage
•    Opportunity to create a network within ING as well as in the wider banking sector
•    Competitive allowance of 1096 EUR and reimbursement of public transport costs

Please include a cover letter together with your CV in your application.

If you have questions please contact: Solaika Inacio,

We are looking forward to your application!

Your work environment 
The Debt Capital Markets group is comprised of several capital markets businesses: Financial Institutions Group, Investment Grade Corporates, High Yield, Sustainable Markets, EM and Capital Structuring & Liability Management. DCM Origination is part of ING’s Global Capital Markets team within the Wholesale Bank. ING DCM is consistently top-ranked in European league tables and a credible global leader around Sustainability Structuring topics (Green Bonds, Sustainability-Linked Bond, etc.).

The Capital Markets team in Amsterdam covers both Investment Grade corporate as well as Bank and Insurance bond issuers in the Northern European region. The group works closely together with Relationship Managers, Corporate Finance, M&A and other product specialist within the ING network advising on a wide range of funding opportunities in the Capital Markets. You will be joining a highly skilled team who will be training and guiding you and as such, you will be seen as a full member of the team.

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Questions? Just ask
Joëlle Wursten

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La ING, ne dorim ca fiecare persoană să-și atingă potențialul maxim. Avem o cultură incluzivă, unde toată lumea are șansa de a crește și de a face diferența pentru clienții noștri și pentru societate. Sprijinim diversitatea, echitatea și incluziunea. Nu tolerăm nicio formă de discriminare, fie că este legată de vârstă, gen, identitate de gen, cultură, experiență, religie, rasă, dizabilitate, responsabilități familiale, orientare sexuală sau alt motiv. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor în procesul de aplicare sau interviu, te rugăm să contactezi recrutorul indicat în anunț. Suntem bucuroși să te ajutăm să treci printr-un proces echitabil și accesibil. Află mai multe despre angajamentul nostru pentru diversitate și incluziune aici.

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