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Volume Reporting Engineer

ING Bank

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The Volume Reporting team is centrally positioned within ING Global Infrastructure, which is responsible for providing services to their consumers, including the quality of the services. It is a small team, currently two senior FTE, and because of expanding activities looking to add a third colleague with focus on the technical aspects.

This Volume Reporting team is responsible for an in-house built application (MyICS) which is also used by other service providing ING entities. The team performs Volume Reporting for Infrastructure and some other domains as part of CTO and this input is used by Finance within their processes. The MyICS application provides insight in actual consumed service volumes and it is also the tooling for budgeting and forecasting on those volumes, currently used by the global Capacity Management process.

The Volume Reporting team is maintaining close relationships with Product Owners, DevOps teams, Service Managers and Finance to ensure the volume flows are reliable and appropriate.

Roles and responsibilitiesof the team

  • Prepare the reporting on service volumes including the alignment with the different stakeholders. An automated solution via SSIS packages is used for this.
  • Maintain the MyICS application (functionally) and the infrastructure (technically). Create and maintain the PowerBI reports as part of MyICS and our own ‘DataMart’ solution for advanced reporters.
  • Support the MyICS functionality on reporting insights, volume reporting by other ING providers and forecasting process.
  • Support each other within the team during working activities and absence. Given the small size of the team, key-(wo)man risk is present. Therefore, it is important to be able to back-up each other. 
  • Involvement regarding maintaining the service taxonomy. To ensure an accurate and complete view is available on the current and future services provided by Global Infrastructure to its consumers. 

We are looking for you, if you:

  • Are a senior engineer who feels comfortable in an energetic and fast-paced environment. 
  • Have a technical background with experience on SQL Server and Citrix (preferable within ING Private Cloud context).
  • Experience with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages and PowerBI reporting.
  • Are willing to learn new things and are curious about process improvements.
  • Are well able to work independently and to learn quickly.
  • Are enthusiastic about your work and aims at bringing the activities within your circle of influence to a higher level. It is important that you have a clear view on what is realistic, what is needed on the short-term, and what can be done later.
  • Feel comfortable with stakeholder management, given the need to align effectively with stakeholders on infrastructure and the volume reporting. 

Good to have:

  • Experience with ING processes on SOLL and iTRMP.
  • Experience with IIS (preferable within ING Private Cloud context).

You'll get extra points for:

  • Next to being a technical expert also being open to functional challenges related to the application or the processes supported by the application.

Rewards & benefits

We want to make sure that it’s possible for you to strike the right balance between your career and your private life. You can find out more about our employment conditions at

The benefits of working with us at ING include: 

• A salary between: 5.212,06 - 8.387,68 euro's

• 24-27 vacation days depending on contract 

• Pension scheme 

• 13th month salary 

• Individual Savings Contribution (BIS), 3.5% of your gross annual salary 

• 8% Holiday payment 

• Personal growth and challenging work with endless possibilities 

• An informal working environment with innovative colleagues 

• Work Agile, so new ideas come to life faster 


Contact Orhan Sari in our Tech recruitment team for more information about this role. Want to apply directly? Please upload your CV and motivation letter by clicking the “Apply” button. 

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Questions? Just ask
Orhan Sari

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