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Product Owner & Customer Journey Expert for Tech Delivery Team within Daily Banking & Client First

ING Bank

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GJA: 16

As Product Owner of a Tech Delivery Team within Daily Banking & Client First, you will be acting as well as Customer Journey Expert. You are the key player in the cooperation between Tech and Business stakeholders. You are and feel technical responsible for the integration and realization of the Tech work. You oversee sprints, align the work across the whole chain and inspires individuals and teams creating lasting synergy.

  • You ensure structure and documentation of the flows is maintained by the developers so that they can manage the run of these applications
  • You apply the risk governance applicable to those flows in due time
  • You ensure applicable lifecycle management is executed in due time
  • You manage incidents linked to the journeys in your scope are managed on time and communicated
  • You measure run support and identify means to improve incident management resolution timelines. Ensure problem management is applied whenever required.
  • You make sure that handshake is done between expedition squad and developers of the delivery squad
  • You provide estimates based on the requirements and commit on delivery dates
  • You ensure delivery of the flow until production within deadline
  • You make sure that ING Tech standards and best practices are applied by the developers
  • You make sure that unit, integration and system testing is done covering all use cases before deployment in production and provide a test report
  • You make sure that risk governance applicable to that delivery is executed including Penetration test when applicable
  • You manage aftercare after the go live, including update of documentation
  • You will work collaboratively with multidisciplinary teams (Product CJE, Business to Tech CJE, and Tech colleagues) and stakeholders to streamline and innovate the end-to-end customer journey.
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Noro Zerafi

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