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Relationship Manager - Institutionals

ING Bank

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Business center Institutional Brussels

50% work from home

A day in the life of a Relationship Banker Institutional

  • Within the Business Banking segment, you aim to develop the profitability and manage the risks of a portfolio of Public Authorities and Non-Profit Organizations in the Region of Brussels.
  • You are a ”trusted advisor” for your customers in the broadest sense and support them in the day to day business but also for their strategic projects.

  • You manage these relationships with a strong focus on synergy with the other segments of the bank. Cross selling in the broadest sense, where you proactively introduce colleagues from other business areas to your customers, is key.
  • You represent the bank at formal and informal events organized for or by customers or prospects to create or maintain good personal contacts.

How to succeed

We hire smart people like you for your potential. Our biggest expectation is that you’ll stay curious. Keep learning. Take on responsibility. In return, we’ll back you to develop into an even more awesome version of yourself.

  • You are commercially driven with an eye for the customer's needs.
  • You can organize your commercial and administrative work independently.
  • You have a sensitivity to risk and a good ability to identify them.
  • You are eager to learn about the ecosystems in which Institutionals clients operate.
  • You are a team player who enjoys building and sharing knowledge.
  • You have good communication skills in French, Dutch and English

As a Relationship Manager Institutionals you will have the opportunity to:

  • Have a challenging work with high level external and internal contacts.
  • Develop your expertise on simple and complex banking products and services.
  • Work with innovative colleagues who support your efforts.
  • To build a unique commercial experience with a very specific and challenging type of customers. 

The team

You are part of the dynamic team of relationship managers and Transaction Sales Consultants at BC Instit in Brussels (Marnix). As part of the Team, you will enjoy our team spirit oriented towards collaboration and mutual support.  

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Questions? Just ask
Isabelle Andrieux

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La ING, ne dorim ca fiecare persoană să-și atingă potențialul maxim. Avem o cultură incluzivă, unde toată lumea are șansa de a crește și de a face diferența pentru clienții noștri și pentru societate. Sprijinim diversitatea, echitatea și incluziunea. Nu tolerăm nicio formă de discriminare, fie că este legată de vârstă, gen, identitate de gen, cultură, experiență, religie, rasă, dizabilitate, responsabilități familiale, orientare sexuală sau alt motiv. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor în procesul de aplicare sau interviu, te rugăm să contactezi recrutorul indicat în anunț. Suntem bucuroși să te ajutăm să treci printr-un proces echitabil și accesibil. Află mai multe despre angajamentul nostru pentru diversitate și incluziune aici.

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