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CJE Product Management II or III - Business Lending - Efficient Pricing

ING Bank

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A day in the life of a Customer Journey Expert

  • Contribute to the objectives of the Business Lending Tribe within a self-steering squad, focusing on efficient pricing implementation;
  • Analyse the feasibility and value of opportunities;
  • Define clear requirements for developments and test plan for testing
  • Liaise with Segments & developers to ensure the business needs are well-understood and translated into the IT solution
  • Participate actively in the relations & communication with different stakeholders;
  • Evaluate ways of working to strive for continuous improvement and design clear processes;

How to succeed

  • Have an entrepreneurial attitude and eager to work on a starting project / team – taking initiative and making things happen, manage and solve problems sharply at your own level, help people to do so, escalate when needed
  • Have a strong affinity with financial data and good analytical skills, previous experience with pricing is a plus
  • Be passionate about delivering a superior customer experience and eager to be at the start of a new initiative/squad.
  • Manage autonomously complex projects involving various stakeholders;
  • Be customer driven and focused, loving to collaborate with different people and help improve collaboration thanks to your understanding of the interactions in groups
  • Act as process expert in the business lending domain
  • Be innovative by challenging existing trends and consider new developments in the market, convince people to adopt them and take the team with you
  • Have planning & organizational skills
  • Have clear communication skills : written and oral, be able to adapt your speech to the various audiences, create impact on your audience
  • Have knowledge of business lending products/services is recommended
  • Be fluent in English and Dutch or French
  • Have a Master degree or Bachelor degree with relevant work experience

The team

Within the Tribe Business Lending, you would be active in the newly created Efficient Pricing squad where you will contribute to the ambition to make our Business Lending Pricing more efficient and connected within our E2E loan origination flows.

GJA – 15 or 16 based on previous experience

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  • Customer Journey, Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale, BelgiaRemove

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