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Java Development Engineer PSS SEPA @ING HUBS

ING Hubs

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Discover ING Tech

We started out in 2015 as ING’s software development hub – a distinct entity from ING Bank Romania – then steadily expanded our range to include more services and competencies.

Formerly known as ING Tech, as of 2022 we provide borderless services with bank-wide capabilities under the name of ING Hubs Romania and operate from two locations: Bucharest and Cluj.

With the help of 1600 engineers, risk and operations professionals, we offer 150 services in tech, non-financial risk & compliance, audit and retail operations to 24 ING units worldwide.

Our tech capabilities remain the core of our business, with more than 1100 colleagues active in Data Management, TouchPoint Channels & Integration and Core Banking.

We enjoy a flexible way of working and a highly collaborative environment, where fair and constructive feedback is encouraged. Work ethics, honesty and knowledge sharing are key to our teams and we’re always looking for like-minded people.

· Here’s a sneak peak of what our colleagues say about working within ING Hubs Romania:

At ING, software and soft skills are equally important | 78% of our IT colleagues agree

The Mission

In 2014, ING suffered from various outages in payments processing and it was repeatedly reported by newspapers and on television. ING management started a task force to mitigate the issues. However, the real solution was born at an ING Hackathon a few months before. In just 24 hours the winning team delivered a prototype that could process payments in real-time which was far better than the batch processing used so far. The new system was named Real-Time Payments Engine which nowadays processes hundreds of millions of Loan, Savings and Payments transactions per year.

At this moment we are building the platform for Instant Payments and Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Credit Transfer payments for all European ING entities. This includes new connectivity to many account management systems and clearinghouses. Think of real-time and batch processing of high volume asynchronous, stateless communication, resilience patterns, idempotent application design and much more.

Your day to day

  • You will focus predominantly on the extension of the payment routing engine to support multiple European ING entities; this clustered application is written using Java 11 and the reactive streams approach;

  • You will work in the dynamic and challenging environment of wholesale banking technology (WB Tech) in Tribe Payments;

  • We operate according to a Scrum development process with two-week sprints and strongly believe in the DevOps approach to delivering IT solutions;

  • We strive to have the high-quality mission-critical software delivered in time using iterative development with regular milestone reviews with stakeholders following the ING's agile way of working to reduce surprises in what we build.

What you’ll bring to the team

  • Fluent in English;

  • Experience in producing reusable code components;

  • 7+ years of software engineering experience on Java, Spring Boot, Restful API and supporting libraries;

  • Understanding the clustering technologies and issues, such as Akka clusters and Cassandra clusters;

  • Understand how the distributed systems work (i.e., you have the ability to explain the CAP theorem and Two Generals problem);

  • Experience with containers (Docker, docker-compose, Kubernetes);

  • Understanding of messaging platforms (i.e., Kafka, EMS, ActiveMQ and/or IBM MQ);

  • You think of security and failure during the design stage;

  • Security by design;

  • Experience with XML processing and validation;

  • Understanding NoSQL data modelling (i.e., Cassandra);

  • Bachelor’s Degree (or higher) in an IT related field;

  • You have a learning attitude. Not only to master new technologies and programming languages, but also on the personal level. You are able to give and receive feedback;

  • You help others to be successful.

Nice to have

  • Experience in the financial industry, preferably payments

  • Passion for the reactive programming

  • Experience in creating CI/CD pipelines (i.e., Azure DevOps, GitHub)

  • Open-Source contributions / active GitHub profile

  • Experience with Akka (Java), Akka-streams (Java), reactive spring and/or other reactive frameworks

  • Familiarity with functional programming

  • Experience on Scala or Kotlin

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La ING, ne dorim ca fiecare persoană să-și atingă potențialul maxim. Avem o cultură incluzivă, unde toată lumea are șansa de a crește și de a face diferența pentru clienții noștri și pentru societate. Sprijinim diversitatea, echitatea și incluziunea. Nu tolerăm nicio formă de discriminare, fie că este legată de vârstă, gen, identitate de gen, cultură, experiență, religie, rasă, dizabilitate, responsabilități familiale, orientare sexuală sau alt motiv. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor în procesul de aplicare sau interviu, te rugăm să contactezi recrutorul indicat în anunț. Suntem bucuroși să te ajutăm să treci printr-un proces echitabil și accesibil. Află mai multe despre angajamentul nostru pentru diversitate și incluziune aici.

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