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Trainee im International Talent Programme Business Banking (w/m/d) in Berlin / Frankfurt

ING Bank

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Do you have the drive to learn from and with the best? Check! Are you eager to work on exciting tasks in different teams? Check! Do you want a permanent contract from day one? Check! Become part of our success story and start your career in ING‘s International Talent Programme (ITP). We offer you individual mentoring & training and you will rotate within an ING unit for 18 months – 3-6 months of which will be spent abroad. In short: With us, you will learn how to kickstart your career in an international corporation. Get started – on 1st April or October 2025! Your talent counts.

Your Tasks

  • Join our Business Banking team, ING’s new third pillar (next to Retail and Wholesale Banking) in which we offer products aimed at the 4.5 million SMEs in Germany to help them stay one step ahead in life and in business.
  • Our credo in everything we do is to broaden our horizons by thinking forward, working agile and hands-on, and creating an appreciative team-spirit.
  • Within your 18-months-traineeship, you get to work in a variety of departments to learn and grow, and to find out what you want because you decide where the journey leads you.
  • You learn to create and develop digital products and to make them even more user-friendly and simple.
  • Besides market know-how you will also become an expert in regulatory requirements and which steps are necessary to ensure we as a bank stay compliant.
  • Whilst you grow personally and professionally your impact will help our Business Banking segment to grow just as much.
  • Although we encourage and promote a high degree of independence, you are of course never alone on your way: You have your network of graduates behind you, exchange experiences and knowledge and are accompanied by experienced mentors in a subject-specific buddy programme. Sounds good? Innovative and smart banking needs people like you! More information here:

Your Profile

  • Master’s degree in business studies, economics, mathematics, statistics, marketing, engineering, finance or law or a comparable qualification
  • Broad understanding of the banking industry, the economic landscape of Germany as well as the so-called German “Mittelstand”
  • Interested in financial services, an innovative take on banking, and a desire to turn ideas into reality
  • Desire to simplify processes and develop products
  • Preferably already international experience
  • Curious to explore digital processes and ideally first experience in project management from idea generation to implementation
  • Strong communication, problem-solving, and team skills
  • Hands-on mentality
  • Fluent in German and English, both written and spoken

We offer many benefits

  • Company pension plan, capital-building offers, free Deutschlandticket & bicycle leasING, company restaurant
  • Hybrid working: In addition to working in the office, you can also work remotely – within operational, regulatory and legal requirements.
  • Individualized work schedule models, sabbatical, subsidization of nursing & childcare costs
  • Personal budget for continuing education and development as well as health; plus, a personal budget to set up your mobile working space

Ready for a new job?

At ING we are colorful and diverse: different personalities with different perspectives - an international culture where we value and appreciate each other. We believe in substance over style, people instead of labels.

This describes you to a T? 

Simply apply online - the quickest way is to have your cover letter, CV and references ready.

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ING Recruitment team

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La ING, ne dorim ca fiecare persoană să-și atingă potențialul maxim. Avem o cultură incluzivă, unde toată lumea are șansa de a crește și de a face diferența pentru clienții noștri și pentru societate. Sprijinim diversitatea, echitatea și incluziunea. Nu tolerăm nicio formă de discriminare, fie că este legată de vârstă, gen, identitate de gen, cultură, experiență, religie, rasă, dizabilitate, responsabilități familiale, orientare sexuală sau alt motiv. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor în procesul de aplicare sau interviu, te rugăm să contactezi recrutorul indicat în anunț. Suntem bucuroși să te ajutăm să treci printr-un proces echitabil și accesibil. Află mai multe despre angajamentul nostru pentru diversitate și incluziune aici.

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