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Business Analyst within Robotics stream

ING Hubs

Business Analyst within Global KYC – Robotics stream

We’re looking for You if You have:

· strong analytical skills and data driven,

· working experience as a Business Analyst or in similar position (3 - 5+years),

· strong focus on understanding the regulatory and business requirements and supportive facts and data to build the target operating model design in line with INGs ambitions,

· experience in translating regulatory requirements into functional designs and/or processes,

· experience and/ or affinity with defining end to end processes,

· experience and/ or affinity with working together in IT and solution-build driven teams,

· very good knowledge of English.

You will get extra points for:

· a personality and capabilities to optimally function within an Agile environment,

· experience/affinity with innovation and IT,

· knowledge and experience about RPA and hand-on experience on leading products (Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, UiPath),

· experience in guiding and realizing regulatory change,

· strong communicative, networking and influencing skills.

Your responsibilities:

· process analysis

· interactions and alignment between ING teams

Information about the squad:

As a Business Analyst Robotics you will elicit and analyse business requirements for KYC Transaction Monitoring processes. Transform these business requirements into concise RPA solution processes and designs. Support the Product Owner and squad with the robotic automation and grooming of backlog user stories.

Key responsibilities:

• you analyse business requirements for the development of products and services in the KYC scope and play a supporting role in the Quarterly Business Review (QBR);

• you simplify solutions and processes and tell the story clearly to various international stakeholders; • you work with colleagues from the Global KYC Centre of Expertise to ensure all solutions and processes are compliant and fit-for-purpose;

• you stimulate cross-border interaction and alignment between people, Tribes, Squads, Chapters, FO

organisations, Local KYC activities and Service organisations;

• you ensure compliance with ING’s policies and standards; • You contribute to the ING One Agile Way of Working and safeguard the Orange Code;

• you refine the stories that are aligned with the objectives of the product and process;

• you refine stories in a straightforward and executional way to optimize velocity;

• ou take the bigger picture into account and look beyond your Squad.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Process Management Specialist”

Questions? Just ask
ING Recruitment team

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La ING, ne dorim ca fiecare persoană să-și atingă potențialul maxim. Avem o cultură incluzivă, unde toată lumea are șansa de a crește și de a face diferența pentru clienții noștri și pentru societate. Sprijinim diversitatea, echitatea și incluziunea. Nu tolerăm nicio formă de discriminare, fie că este legată de vârstă, gen, identitate de gen, cultură, experiență, religie, rasă, dizabilitate, responsabilități familiale, orientare sexuală sau alt motiv. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor în procesul de aplicare sau interviu, te rugăm să contactezi recrutorul indicat în anunț. Suntem bucuroși să te ajutăm să treci printr-un proces echitabil și accesibil. Află mai multe despre angajamentul nostru pentru diversitate și incluziune aici.

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