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FCFP Manager

ING Hubs

We are looking for a person who:

Is skilled engineer with experience in managing IT teams. The main stakeholder will be FCFP domain (Financial Crime Fraud Preventive for Global Bank). She/He is oriented towards personal development and development of team members. She/He has practical experience and are an ardent supporter of Agile.

We are looking for you, if you:

  • have at least 3 years of experience in team management,
  • are passionate about working with people and developing teams and talents,
  • know the basics of scripting (Bash, Ansible, Python),
  • know CI/CD tools,
  • understand the Linux operating system (Red Hat preferred),
  • know the basic knowledge of Oracle DB,
  • have hands-on experience and you are a supporter of Agile,
  • are independent and have creative and pro-active mind-set,
  • English level - C1.

You'll get extra points for:

  • being familiar with basics of source control system like Git, SVN,
  • being familiar with Hadoop and elastic search,
  • knowing AML (Anti-money laundering) business.

Your responsibilities: 

  • managing the team of 8 engineers and cooperating with stakeholders in AML part of banking business,
  • sharing knowledge and making sure team members have appropriate competencies and skills,
  • planning, coaching, assessing and professionalizing your team members,
  • recruiting and onboarding new talents,
  • ensuring the highest quality of team results,
  • interaction and relationship management with key stakeholders.

Information about the team:

Part of Tech organization focusing on supporting the banking business in scope of Financial Crime and Fraud Prevention. (AML - Anti-money laundering). You will be responsible for building the team from the scratch.

Questions? Just ask
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