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Platform Engineer

ING Hubs

We are looking for you, if you:

  • have hands-on experience in delivering highly distributed, large scale (data) platforms preferably using open-source technologies,
  • are programming in scripting languages, e.g. Python,
  • are programming in a statically typed language, e.g. JVM (Java/Scala), Golang,
  • have strong experience with SQL/NoSQL datastores (Hive), and other distributed systems (Spark, Kafka),
  • are competent in containerization - orchestration/deployment and provisioning automation tools e.g. Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD,
  • have experience with Implementing continuous delivery and deployment solutions (Azure DevOps),
  • are strong with Bash scripting.

English level - B2

You'll get extra points for:

  • experience in working on cloud/hybrid solutions,
  • security, authentication and authorisation (LDAP / OIDC / PAM / IAM),
  • experience with applications configuration management (Helm Charts, Terraform),
  • experience in designing, building, scaling and monitoring data infrastructure,
  • maintaining hosted Jupyter environments,
  • experience in working with/contributing to Open-Source projects,
  • affinity with Advanced Analytics, Data Science.

Your responsibilities:

  • optimize the performance/workload tuning of the data analytics platform providing self-service toolset and reports for the end users – data engineers and data scientists.

Information about the squad:

Dataprocessing Team handles Superset and DB maintenance. Administration, software update and upgrade to new versions. Superset is being used as a primary dash-boarding tool enables DAP users to create Dashboards and Charts. Apart from DAP users main user is Whole Banking Security Team, which uses Superset dedicated instances for security monitoring. Currently team maintains 7 instances of superset, all superset instances keep metadata in dedicated PostgreSQL databases.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer IV”

Questions? Just ask
ING Recruitment team

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