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Accounting & Reporting Expert

ING Hubs

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  • Assist the Accounting Lead in preparing monthly Financial Statement and consolidation.
  • Assist the Accounting Lead in reviewing / preparing monthly journal entries for month end closing entries.
  • Assist the Accounting Lead in preparing reconciliation and analysis of selected balance sheet and profit/loss accounts.
  • Review/prepares journal entries for monthly accrual of expenses and adjusting entries based on analysis and reconciliation.
  • Will be accountable for delivering efficient and effective operations of accounting processes in scope to high quality standards that meet/ exceed key objectives and SLAs.      
  • Ensures that all account reconciliations, Audit Controls, Accounting Controls, and Compliance requirements are met and delivered in accordance with company standards and timelines.
  • Assist with the preparation of Quarterly and Annual HO reports.
  • Assists in Cash Flow Management and Bank Recon Preparation.
  • Assists external auditor in year-end audit.
  • Maintains the integrity and confidentiality of the financial records.
  • Performs other tasks or reports assigned by the Management Team.
  • Well versed in financial accounting, including, but not limited to, journal entries, maintaining books of accounts and preparation of financial statements.
  • Have a full understanding of all systems related accounting and participate in implementation of new applications, improvements, modules, systems upgrades and user acceptance testing.
  • Liaising with business lines, Finance Controllers, Business partners/managers. Take a proactive approach to developing new policies and procedures as needed to fit changing business needs.
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