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IT Area Lead

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IT Area Lead

The Opportunity 

The opportunity is for an IT Area Lead in the Retail Tech Netherlands Manila space. This is a growing area of over 150 engineers spread across different domains including Mortgages, Channels, Payments, Current Accounts, Consumer Loans, Customer & Data, and Core Bank. As ITAL you will be responsible building strong self-managing engineering teams, enabling successful delivery of key initiatives within your scope, and actively driving the development and maturity of engineers in your care.

Your Key Responsibilities

  • Support timely onboarding of engineer demands from Tech NL, while maintaining high engagement level and minimal attrition.
  • Work as a part of a global management team of IT Area Leads to ensure feasibility and delivery of QBRs in line with the Bank’s strategy and KPIs.
  • Actively push for craftsmanship and skills development of your chapter leads and their teams within your area.
  • Functional IT Custodianship of applications – keeping IT Risk within Risk Appetite and a focus on resiliency where KPIs (like availability) and other Service Level Objectives are met.
  • Collaborate with other ITALs in the other tech organizations in Manila to drive synergies in continuous improvement initiatives.
  • Managing budgets, contracts and working within the internal service and sourcing framework.

Your Profile (Desired Skills & Experience)

  • Degree in Computer Science or an equivalent field.
  • Additional certifications related to agile delivery or IT management is a plus.
  • 5+ years of experience in a leadership role.
  • Previous experience as a tech engineer.
  • Knowledge of retail banking products is a plus.
  • A proven track record of building, growing sizable global teams.
  • You have very good stakeholder management experience.
  • You are passionate about growing and developing technical people.
  • You have good verbal and written communication and presentation skills. 
  • You love technology and naturally stay up to date on relevant new developments.
  • You have experience in a multi-cultural environment, and you easily get on with people from different backgrounds.

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