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IT Operations Engineer

ING Hubs

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Key Responsibilities

· infrastructure management

o managing Linux and Windows environments

o proficient in the command-line (RHCSA/RHCE certification or equivalent)

· virtualization

o managing virtualized environments (VMWare)

· containerization

o docker, podman

o Kubernetes, openshift

· networking

o firewall rules


o network storage (NFS/NAS, SAN, CIFS/SMB)

o load balancing

· automation

o scripting knowledge to automate repetitive tasks

o building and integrating tools that will assist in improving system availability, reliability, and performance

o utilizing CI/CD tooling to automate (Azure DevOps, Jenkins)

· configuration management

o enforcing configuration (Ansible, Puppet, Chef)

· monitoring and troubleshooting

o performance monitoring

o proactive identifying problem areas of a system, i.e. software bugs, misconfigurations, bottlenecks

o trend analysis

· incident and problem management

o coordinating incident management and service restoration

· capacity planning

· service level management

o proactive monitoring and adherence to SLAs

o holding IT Engineering, Security and Architecture accountable for remediation of any SLA degradation

· IT Key Controls

o ensuring that IT is ‘in CONTROL’ by holding IT groups accountable for adherence

o collating and providing necessary evidence to Auditors for these controls

· disaster recovery (DR) & business continuity planning (BCP)

o high availability and resilience patterns

Key Capabilities/Experience

· work comfortably with Linux and Windows

· work with virtualization technologies such as VMWare

· develop and run applications in the cloud (Azure, AWS, GCP)

· containerize and orchestrate applications (Docker, Openshift, Kubernetes, microservices)

· continuously integrate and deploy (CI/CD, git, jenkins, ansible)

· comfortably write automation scripts (bash, go, python)

· administer and query SQL

· work and analyze aggregated logs (ELK)

· configure networks (load balancing, firewalls)

· work with observability tools (Prometheus, Grafana)

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