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Operations Engineer

ING Hubs

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Job Overview

We are looking for an Ops engineer to join us in one of the four ING Sophis squads responsible for delivering, integrating and maintaining custom solutions for Finastra’s Financial Markets package Sophis, a Windows and Oracle based two-tiers application used for the trading, operations and risk management of equity and commodity derivative products.

You will be based in Manila and work in the multi skilled Support Squad centered in Brussels, Belgium. Your main task will be application support of Sophis (as well as the in-house processes developed by the ING Sophis team). You are also the first line of interaction with our end-users in case of any issue, functional or technical in nature. Application support will include all sides of ITIL service management such as incident, problem and change management.

During down time, you will use the agile methodology to deliver project-based backlog stories following priorities determined by our product owners (PO).

Finally you act as a reliability engineer, providing others with the means to more efficiently maintain the application. Your deliverables assist in developing, testing, deploying, maintaining and proactively monitoring all Sophis native and custom developed processes. You give feedback to others on how to improve stability, performance and recoverability of all Sophis components.

Key Responsibilities

1. Application support: You are undertaking shifts, covering Brussels out-of-office hours, during which you are responsible for troubleshooting alerts (alone or in collaboration with other subject matter experts) and ensuring that processes complete within Service Level Agreement (SLA). All while using ITIL best practices.

2. End-user support: You have immediate user-facing interactions with our internal end-users and you are responsible for answering their service requests.

3. Governance: You work on an application rated Critical for the bank, ensuring SOx and GDPR compliancy and the good management of  IT Risk controls. You take an active part in the change and release management.

4. Automation: You strive towards automation and you assist the Sophis Platform squad in bringing us to full continuous delivery. With a DevOps attitude, you automate IT Ops related tasks using good scripting practices and modern continuous delivery tools (from source control for your scripts to extend existing deployment pipelines within Azure DevOps).

Key Capabilities/Experience

  • SQL programming: syntax, objects utilization and optimization;
  • Windows: platform and application usage (Citrix, Windows servers, …);
  • Scripting language: experience in either PowerShell, Bash,  VBA, Python;
  • Finastra’sSophis: Demonstrable experience (Functional and IT) is a plus
  • Continuous Delivery : using version control and deployment pipelines such as Azure DevOps and their core functions;
  • ITIL: comfortable with service management;

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor or Master degree: in computer science, or another area with strong IT background;
  • Application Support : extensive experience working in the role (5+ years), preferably in the banking domain;
  • Scrum or Agile: comfortable with backlog management;
  • English: excellent verbal and writing skills
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