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Senior Business Analyst

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Global KYC Transaction Monitoring Optimisation – Senior Business Analyst

Within the ING Global KYC, we are looking for a Business Analyst (BA) for the Transaction Monitoring (TM) Optimisation area. In that role, you will be part of Strategy &Design squad and involved in Global TM Optimisation activities.

What we are looking for:

  • A minimum of 8+ years’ experience working as Business Analyst in global financial services industry with demonstrable success in defining methodologies and processes, preferably with large global financial institutions.
  • Prior experience in AML/CTF, Non-payments – AML (such as Trade based ML), Correspondent Banking AML (preferred) threshold setting and tuning process and strategies.
  • Knowledge in performing or assisting risk and control assessment, Key controls testing, supporting Model validation queries will be added advantage.
  • Ability to understand requirements and, determine path to accomplish it through proper planning, communication and timeline management.
  • Experience in writing and maintaining different procedure or process specific documents in a straightforward and executional way.
  • Ability to work independently, handle high priority deliverables with quick turnaround and execute planned/ad-hoc analysis with minimal guidance.
  • Ability to cooperate with various stakeholders across the Organization and thrive towards common goals.
  • Prior exposure in organizing working groups to discuss actions, analyze key solution and build connections with key stakeholders.
  • Actively contributing to the know-how of the processes across TM processes.
  • Good to have : understanding of key regulations (such as EU AML Directives, BSA related in-country regulations), recommendations from global institutions (such as FATF, Wolfsberg and Basel); and global / regional intelligence sharing initiatives and their respective effects on the operational landscape of KYC including the interaction with the 2nd line.

Required skillset

  • Mandatory AML understanding & TM model Optimisation knowledge.
  • Understanding of TM risk, various controls and mitigating action management.
  • Process evaluation and improvement experience.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skill.
  • An interpersonal and multi-tasking skills.
  • Fundamental analytical and conceptual thinking skills.
  • Exposure to advance MS office suite is added advantage.
  • Excellent planning, organizational, and time management skills.

English level - C1.

You'll get extra points for:

  • AML Certification (ACAMS, ICA).
  • Academic degree / Masters / PhD.
  • Accreditation for project management such as Agile, Prince2 or PMP.

Your responsibilities:

  • Developing and maintaining TMO process, risk and control framework and related process documents.
  • Act as a team player by coordinating and supporting colleagues in different streams and provide relevant backup.
  • Perform adhoc analysis to support the decisions in the process related changes.
  • Support and guide different working groups through proactive participation.
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