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Transaction Monitoring - Business Analyst

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Business Analyst (BA) SATM (Secondary Analytics) will carry shared responsibility for onboarding countries to the SATM solution. This new SATM solution serves as an addition to the existing Transaction Monitoring solution. You will be responsible as well, for coordinating the business-as-usual of the solution. This will entail periodic processing, threshold setting, and extensive communication with other TM teams, country contacts, model developers, operations, and TM Management. You will gather insights on performance to improve on the processes around the solution and improve on effectiveness.

The BA SATM must have thorough understanding of Agile Way of Working, Scrum Methodology, Stages of Software Development Life Cycle, and Incident Management. Knowledge of Platform Security, Information Security Policies and related control implementations, Cyber Security and operational resilience. Data Processing and Data Security is an advantage.

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