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Transaction Monitoring Junior Investigator

ING Hubs

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You will be responsible for performing Transaction Monitoring investigations covering money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion. 

Working on your own alerts and cases, you will:

  • Perform risk-based investigations on TM alerts and cases, identifying activity that could be indicative of money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion, following ING’s Global Standard TM Investigation Process and Procedures.
  • Analyse customer and transaction information to assess whether alerted activity is or is not normal in the context of what is known about the customer and who they are transacting with, conducting additional background research as appropriate.
  • Within the ING procedural framework, use your own judgement based on your knowledge and experience to make risk based decisions as to what is or is not normal and therefore whether to refer the alert or case for further investigation and reporting to authorities.
  • Document your investigations thoroughly and according to ING standards, by recording the details of the alert, the data you have considered, the basis of your conclusion and any evidence you have gathered that supports your conclusion. 
  • Maintain your primary focus on the quality and effectiveness of investigation, whilst also ensuring that your work is completed in a timely fashion. 

You will also:

  • Develop a strong understanding of ING process and procedures.
  • Develop strong knowledge of how to identify, analyse and understand money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion “red flags” and typologies.
  • Develop a good understanding of regulations and industry leading practices in conducting TM investigations. 
  • Consult and collaborate with colleagues to develop your own investigations and to help others with theirs, adopting and sharing best practice, techniques and knowledge over time, with a focus on driving continuous improvement in both your own investigations and that of the broader team.
  • Strive to learn and help your colleagues to learn continuously, taking and giving feedback constructively, participating actively in team continuous learning and development initiatives and training.

Skills and attributes for success:

  • Previous work experience or experience in TM investigations. You will be given comprehensive training both before and after you start working on your own investigations.
  • Fluent English, reading and writing.
  • University degree in any subject is required; a degree in a finance related subject is preferred.
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