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Customer Campaign Expert

ING Bank

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The Customer Campaign Expert is included as a Customer Journey Expert in the Customer Interaction tribe within the ING Agile organization and collaborates with other experts to achieve the objectives of the Campaign squad.

The main focus of the Customer Campaign Expert is to manage the various aspects of the campaigns: channel definition, target selection, definition of promotional mechanisms, response analysis, organization of communication materials. For this to be possible, the key is a deep knowledge of the dynamics of the campaigns, response analysis and information to be drawn from previous commercial actions to apply them to future ones, together with the ability to collect feedbacks from different departments at various levels. He/she must have a strong passion for analytics, attention to detail and quality while maintaining the overall vision, ability to work in a team, having a customer-centric vision with a strong attitude in solving problems and driving the achievement of business objectives, working together with the main areas of the bank.

Key Responsibilities:

Ensure excellent execution of campaigns, organization and prioritization of the same: responsible for managing the campaign activities planned for the bank's products with the execution of target generation activities, communication monitoring, response and cost analysis (if applicable), presentation of results, correct planning of the plan while always maintaining high quality implementation.

• Responsible for managing the contact strategy by proactively managing overlaps, campaign optimization and contact pressure on customers;

• Responsibility and autonomy in releasing, developing and maintaining periodic reporting and response analysis within the agreed timeframes, ensuring a high level of quality and comparability between campaigns;

• Responsibility and autonomy in thinking about ad hoc analysis or managing requests from different departments, ensuring a high level of quality and providing concrete insights and recommendations that guide commercial and communication proposals;

• Proactivity and autonomy in providing clear and precise requirements relating to needed data structure for analysis/campaigns purpose.

Educational Qualifications:

• Strong analytical background;

• Degree in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Engineering, Mathematics.

Technical, Language and other specialized skills:

• Knowledge of SAS or SQL programming language;

• Knowledge of Campaign Management tool;

• Knowledge of CRM and marketing campaigns;

• Knowledge of market CMS (Content Management Systems) is preferable;

• Understanding and knowledge of databases and data warehouses;

• Excellent knowledge of the Office package (especially Excel and PowerPoint),

• Good knowledge of English language (writing, reading and speaking);

• Strong analytical skills, passion for data, rigor in analysis, precision, and scrupulousness in data management;

• Stress management: ability to manage high workloads and manage different points of view from different areas of the bank;

• Accountability and proactivity: feels responsible for the assigned activities and their delivery within the agreed times with the ability also to propose innovative approaches in analysis/activities;

Work Experience:

• At least 2 years of experience in a similar role;

• Preferred background from multinationals within CRM, Customer Intelligence, Campaign Management team.

Working Conditions: Permanent

Location: Milan (hybrid)

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Sabrina Lenti

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