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Current Account Product Expert

ING Bank

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Job title:           Current Account Product Expert – Business Banking

The Current Account (CA) Product Expert, working as Customer Journey Expert in Agile organization, has end-to-end responsibility for the requirements definition, management, harmonization and phasing out of Current Account, focusing on distinctive customer experience, profitability and effective cost management E2E.

The CA Product Expert supports the Business Banking team to set priorities, manage internal and external stakeholders, solve impediments, help other team members in their day-to-day activities. In addition, the CA Product Expert is accountable for managing and delivering internal reports and optimize performance, reducing product inefficiencies, identifying and closing related gaps.

The position requires excellent communication skills, problem solving and data driven approach, an orientation to detail and process, ability to work and maintain composure under tight deadlines, expertise in digital onboarding, as well as knowledge about usability/user experience principles and best practices.

This position also demands ability to work collaboratively in multi-functional teams and cross-teams.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Working in Agile teams: contributes actively to all events of the sprints by asking, answering and challenging.
  • Deliver requirements, identifying impacted areas and processes and ultimately support in the definition of test scenarios in order to achieve income and target volumes.
  • Continually assess the performance of ING Current Account product, the regulatory landscape, external market trends and competitor benchmark, to ensure a customer proposition as effective as possible.
  • Create the requirements and business cases to support the evolution of the product.
  • Help the Functional team to analyze and define business process flows in order to draft functional documents based on analysis and collected requirements.
  • Collaborate for product lifecycle management; this includes product performance management, product marketing and product innovation.


  • Master’s or bachelor’s degree, postgraduate or equivalent background in Economics, Management, Engineering and similar is desirable.
  • 3+ years of working experience in banking or financial services.
  • A remarkable knowledge of Banking/Current Account market is needed, including innovation trends, benchmark and competitors’ overview. Knowledge of current account offers for Self-Employed, Micro-enterprise and SME will be considered a plus. As the knowledge of the Savings offers.
  • Solid experience of working autonomously in a dynamic and collaborative environment, identifying new potential business opportunities and improvements
  • Experience leading product development from zero to first release and beyond
  • Outstanding written and oral communication skills, together with ability to produce clear and concise presentations and interact directly with top management or senior colleagues

Soft Skills:

  • Customer focus with an eye for great UX/UI
  • Problem solving attitude
  • Professional expertise/market focus
  • Fluent in English
  • Initiative
  • Teamwork

Duration: Permanent

Location: Milan

Security Rules:

Tutte le posizioni di lavoro in ING BANK possono comportare l’accesso e la gestione di informazioni riservate relative all’azienda, ai suoi clienti ed ai suoi dipendenti. Tutti i dipendenti sono pertanto tenuti al rigoroso rispetto delle policy aziendali (oltre che di quanto previsto dal CCNL e dal codice civile) in materia di riservatezza e di sicurezza. Accedendo al portale aziendale dovrà prendere visione di tutte le policy aziendali attualmente in essere e attenersi alle istruzioni ivi riportate. Copia del codice civile e del CCNL del settore sono disponibili per consultazione presso l’ufficio del personale.

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Questions? Just ask
Martina Cosco

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