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Data Management Product Owner

ING Bank

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Summary of the main mission (role and main objectives within the structure)

You have the global vision of a product in the agile sense of the term (what a team produces).

Thanks to your analysis of the company's challenges and priorities, you are a major player in the strategic direction of the product and prioritize the elements to be delivered to carry out the evolution of the product (product backlog).

Your goal is to maximize the value delivered to end users in the least amount of time and budget. Therefore, you must define, build, feed and allow the production of the evolutions and the proper functioning of this product. As a full member of the Agile team, you are the entry point from the business to the technical side.

Definition of the activities and responsibilities entrusted to them

You are responsible for:

  • Product definition support
  • its evolution, through the prioritization of functionalities
  • The value delivered by the team to end users via backlog tickets

In direct contact with experts and all stakeholders,

  • You contribute to the prioritization of major projects/initiatives of the company by participating in prioritization meetings within the framework of the governance in place
  • You propose the evolutions (enrichments, optimizations and corrections) that will improve the quality, performance and customer satisfaction of your product.
  • You contribute to the refinement of requirements and the involvement of relevant stakeholders when necessary.
  • You define and compile the tickets in your backlog and their requirements with their functional and non-functional acceptance criteria; and for each criterion the relevant stakeholders.
  • You are responsible for managing the relationship with stakeholders for functional and non-functional acceptance criteria, including obtaining their approval/validation.
  • You are responsible for aligning and managing dependencies with other teams.
  • You decide on the order of priority of the backlog by estimating the added value of user stories (for ex. financial value, customer expectations, development cost, knowledge gain, risk) and by integrating the company's (regulatory) challenges and imperatives.
  • You present to the team the issues, objectives and content of each user story in order to:

-             give them meaning and develop their involvement, also responding to their requests for clarification from the team during the production

-             allow them to produce the right items as quickly as possible in accordance with expectations (acceptance criteria)

•     You get feedback from end users (via "sprint reviews" and the definition of relevant indicators)

•     You communicate the progress of the completion of backlog tickets to stakeholders and management

  • You ensure that the appropriate knowledge is transferred to users (where applicable).
  • You follow all the relevant IT processes and procedures.
  • You participate in the identification of the team's staffing needs to meet the company's strategic objectives via the product.
  • The PO is responsable

The backlog of its Tribe as well as its animation (life cycle)

The different agile ceremonies applicable: QBR, Standups, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective...

Finally, because of the pivotal role of the Product Owner within the Agile methodology, you participate, like the other members of the team, in the dissemination and maintenance of agile within the bank.

Challenges (related to the missions of the position)

1- Process knowledge: Obtain a global and complete (end-to-end) vision of the relevant Tech/Business processes (where applicable).

2- Prioritization: Be able to identify and prioritize tasks, in line with ING's strategy.

3-Leadership: the Product Owner gives the vision and explains the challenges to the development team to give meaning and involve them on a daily basis.

4- Communication: Good communication with stakeholders.


Level of training: Bac + 5 of the Master 2 type, Engineering school or business school

Level of experience: you have acquired proven experience in a function that has a direct impact on the development of the bank's products and services.

Business skills:

  • Good knowledge of the banking sector
  • Agile project management with multidisciplinary teams
  • Strong customer focus, good knowledge of Lean Startup principles
  • Good understanding of information systems with general technical knowledge
  • Good knowledge of Agile and its principles
  • Good knowledge of the banking environment
  • Sensitivity to the business impact of developments
  • Good level of English

Personal qualities:

  • Strategic Height of View
  • Decision-making ability and to find solutions in complex situations
  • Ability to structure and organize
  • Leadership and entrepreneurial spirit
  • Ease in communicating with all types of interlocutors ("business" and "technical")
  • Curiosity, with sensitivity to changing uses
  • Sense of priorities and sense of customer service
  • Strong ability to learn and quickly assimilate new concepts (functional or technological)
  • Appetite for numerical data analysis

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Questions? Just ask
Daniela Susanibar Rosas

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La ING, ne dorim ca fiecare persoană să-și atingă potențialul maxim. Avem o cultură incluzivă, unde toată lumea are șansa de a crește și de a face diferența pentru clienții noștri și pentru societate. Sprijinim diversitatea, echitatea și incluziunea. Nu tolerăm nicio formă de discriminare, fie că este legată de vârstă, gen, identitate de gen, cultură, experiență, religie, rasă, dizabilitate, responsabilități familiale, orientare sexuală sau alt motiv. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor în procesul de aplicare sau interviu, te rugăm să contactezi recrutorul indicat în anunț. Suntem bucuroși să te ajutăm să treci printr-un proces echitabil și accesibil. Află mai multe despre angajamentul nostru pentru diversitate și incluziune aici.

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