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DCM Analyst

ING Bank

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Business:                     Capital Markets & Advisory

Position:                      Debt Capital Markets, Korea

Corporate Title:           Analyst

Reporting to:               Head of Debt Capital Markets, Korea



The responsibilities of a *DCM banker in ING Seoul Securities Branch include the origination of debt capital markets products, including bonds in public and private format. The DCM banker is responsible for managing the execution process of the respective products and ensuring that all other relevant desks and stakeholders in the process are effectively utilized. In addition, the DCM banker works closely together with relationship managers (Parent Account Managers), Sector Bankers, Capital Markets & Advisory bankers, and other product specialists in the ING network.

The DCM Seoul team is specifically geared towards funding solutions in the public capital markets but will also look at various other forms of debt financing. Investment grade bond products are distributed through ING's Syndicate desk and the FM Sales team to a global investor base.

*DCM products comprise among others (i) high grade and high yield corporate bonds, (ii) FI bonds across senior unsecured, covered bonds as well as capital-related transactions, (iii) sovereign bonds, and (iv) liability management exercises, all of which across various currencies including but not limited to USD and EUR as well as public and private formats.


As an analyst at Debt Capital Markets, your tasks and responsibilities will principally be:

  • Support the origination efforts of senior members / originators of the team across the entire product suite and across Asia Pacific (including Australia). The origination process includes:
    • Basic credit (and potentially ratings) analysis of DCM targets
    • Analysis of all aspects (such as macroeconomic developments as well as primary and secondary debt capital market flows) relevant to the assessment of bond issue opportunities for our clients
    • Responsibility for preparing and assisting senior members of the team in writing up proposals in response to RFPs from clients. Pricing discussions with syndicate desk
    • Providing clients with regular write-ups of key macroeconomic developments as well as primary and secondary debt capital market flows and translating all of this into funding recommendations and relevant pricing indications (in the form of pitch books and / or regular market & pricing updates or else)
    •  Client engagement over the phone and via participation in physical meetings for marketing and execution purposes

  • Support of senior members / originators of the team in the execution of all relevant workstreams related to debt capital market transactions, including:
    •  Responsibility for entire relevant approval processes, including CDD/KYC, DCMCC Proposal Forms and other aspects
    •  Responsibility for all due diligence and documentation matters
    •  Responsibility for various roles assigned to ING during deal execution (including but not limited to; preparing client’s presentation materials for NDRs and IR meetings, preparing client’s expected Q&A materials, setting up Global Investor Calls, preparing and arranging logistics for client roadshows)
    •  Communication with third party professionals
    •  Project management / communication with all internal stakeholders (including credit, treasury, accounting, risk control, legal, tax, IT, mid and back office units) and external transaction parties (including rating agencies, legal and tax counsels)
    •  Balance sheet analysis and financial modelling
    •  Ratings process
    •  Pricing discussions with syndicate desk
    •  Post-mortems and deal analysis, etc.

  • Other related ongoing work as relevant for the DCM business
    • Managing and supporting internal stakeholders in their management of post-execution work in relation to DCM (such as credit, treasury, accounting/finance, risk control, legal, tax, IT, mid and back office units)
    • Continuous efforts to improve origination and execution work streams (enhancing automation of certain analyses, the way our market updates and presentations are prepared, etc.)

Person Specifications

To be considered for this role, the applicant would ideally possess the following pre-requisites:

  • University degree in business administration, economics, finance and/or preferred MBA from business school;
  • Preferred working experience with 3~5 years in Capital Markets or Investment Banking;
  • Strong knowledge of capital markets;
  • High level of market sense to observe trends in capital markets;
  • High level of self-motivation and result-oriented approach;
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills - working with both external clients and internal counterparties; and
  • Fluency in English and Korean, both verbally and written.

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Questions? Just ask
Syeulgi Choi

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