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Financial Markets Sales Intern (Wholesale Banking, Manila Branch)

ING Bank

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What does the Financial Markets (“FM”) Sales Team do in ING?

The FM Sales team is a client facing unit in the bank, whose main function is to generate client revenue from various Financial Market products and solutions offered to clients. The FM Sales team is in the business of establishing, nurturing, and maintaining client relationships; servicing regular flow business as well as bespoke solutions; and origination of deals.

The FM Sales team in Manila caters to large corporations, multinational companies, and financial institutions who are based in the Philippines, have inbound business into the Philippines, or outbound business to other countries.

The FM Sales team in Manila works closely with other units of the bank, both onshore in Manila, and with units based offshore – making full use of the bank’s resources and talents globally.

What would you be doing?

  • Learning the various FM products and asset classes that ING offers to clients.
  • Work with FM Sales team in potentially enhancing/streamlining day to day work flow.
  • Assist in creation of marketing materials.
  • Assist in generation of internal reports.
  • Assist in research related to clients, markets, and other items related to FM Sales day-to-day.
  • Assist in analyzing market trends, client behavior, and other data analysis.
  • Assist in other admin work of the FM Sales team.

What qualities, skills and other criteria are we looking for?

We are looking for a passionate individual who meets the following criteria: 

  • You should have legal work rights in the country of internship.
  • Can report to the office (3-4x a week).
  • Familiar with business software (Microsoft suite, especially Excel).
  • Willing to learn and can work well with a team.
  • Not required, but it would be a plus if there is knowledge/experience in either: programming; coding; trading (FX, stocks, etc); accounting; creation of marketing material/content.

What would you gain from this internship?

  • Basic understanding and appreciation of how financial markets operate, and the interconnectedness of different asset classes and regions around the world.
  • Gain familiarity and appreciation of various FM products and asset classes.
  • Learn how to properly and responsibly market FM products and services to ING’s clients.
  • Basic understanding and appreciation of applicable regulations related to FM Sales activities.

Need more information?
For information on ING Wholesale Bank, visit

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