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Lending Deal Administration Control - Senior Analyst

ING Hubs

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Title: Lending Services
As part of the Lending Services Team, you will be responsible for the day to day processing requirements of the function and interacts closely with the department. Clients being served are mostly quite experts and usually demand prompt service of high quality. Employee is expected to abide by international rules relative to compliance and operational risk.
Working in Lending Services means that you’ll need to intensive use your experience in lending transactions to process the requirements of the function and perform various structured routine operational task in a standard work environment. You’ll work hand in hand with both teams providing services from Manila as well as with our business partners globally to ensure service delivery.
If you are good at:
• Capturing and maintenance of transactional data of bilateral Lending transactions in the applicable Lending system.
• Processing all cash flows and (manual) fees and commissions originating from bilateral lending transactions.
• Execution of standard domestic- and international payments.
• Capturing and maintenance of Standard Settlement Instructions in the applicable Lending system.
• Capturing and maintenance of global limits under Trade Financial Services transactions
• Processing of all necessary correspondence originating from Lending transactions by letters or by Swift system.
If you are:
A professional and mature individual displaying the following behaviours:
• You are analytical, flexible, open-minded, a team player
• You are able to deal with tight deadlines
• You have a client driven approach
• You are fluent in English, both written and verbal
• MS Office proficient
• Able to adapt in a fast-paced working environment
If you can:
• Perform approval and release of all processed bilateral Lending transactions in the applicable Lending system including transactional data, funding, applicable fees, commissions and cash flows;
• Perform approval and/or release of all processed correspondence originating from bilateral Lending transactions by letters or by Swift system;
• Perform approval of all processed Standard Settlement Instructions in the applicable Lending system;
• Perform approval and release of all processed domestic- and international payments;
• Perform approval and release of all processed transactions for global limits under Trade Financial Services transactions;
If you’d like to work with: • Internal Teams in IBSS Manila • Business Partners Globally
If you want to:
• work in downtown BGC, the country’s economic center
• enjoy competitive compensation and allowances
• be part of one of the most innovative and exciting digital bank in the world
• be part of a diverse, creative, and energized team
Then click here to get started!

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