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Data Engineer (Google)

ING Hubs

Tech stack/ knowledge:

  • Mandatory:
    • Proficient in relational databases and SQL.
    • Proven big data experience, either from an implementation or a data science perspective.
    • Strong coding experience in the likes of Java, Scala or Python.
    • Experience with GCP tech stack (BigQuery, Dataflow, Cloud Composer, Google Cloud Storage) or other public cloud providers equivalents (AWS, Azure)
    • Experience with Git, Maven, CI/CD (eg. Azure DevOps) and documentation tools
    • Experience with Infrastructure as Code (eg. Terraform)
    • Experience or affinity with IT Security concepts
  • Nice to have:
    • DBT
    • Looker
    • Data governance, Data lineage, Data Catalogue (Metadata)
    • Apache Beam
    • Spark
    • Flink
    • Kafka
    • Automated testing framework

Foreign languages: English (advanced)

Here are your daily responsibilities:

  • As a Senior Data Engineer, you contribute and are responsible for the design, development, test automation, hardening (security, stability, deployment) and documentation of components and data pipelines for the extraction and provision of structured and unstructured data within a cloud infrastructure or between cloud and on-premises systems.
  • You contribute to technology choices and architecture of newly built components and services
  • You have a strong focus on performance, large data sets and towards event-driven architecture
  • You assess the efficiency of end-to-end processes by identifying and mitigating risks
  • You continuously improve and optimize the ingestion, post-processing and reporting layer of the data platform
  • You standardize and reutilize automation patterns as part of the data ingestion and processing stages
  • You design and develop automated unit, integration and regression tests
  • You prove strong analytical skills, proactivity and ability to work in cross-border international teams.
  • You work in an Agile environment, collaborate closely with the Product Owner and Customer Journey Expert to interpret business requirements and estimate, plan, implement, test and deliver as part of short delivery cycles.
  • You focus on delivering working software of high quality that satisfies customer requirements.

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