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Customer Journey Expert - Project Manager

ING Hubs

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We are looking for you, if you:

  • have experience with public cloud (preferably GCP) and building platforms on top of it,
  • have a strong experience in project management in IT regarding differentiated technological stacks,
  • have mindset of organizer and you work by getting things done by building relationships and convincing people,
  • have worked with different stakeholders and engineers,
  • are enthusiastic about solving problems,
  • are challenger and optimizer, focused on goals and delivery,
  • can clearly express ideas, facts and opinions.

English level – C1

You'll get extra points for:

  • experience in Big Data or Advanced Analytics domain,
  • proven track of project successes.

Your responsibilities:

  • enable an increasing number of projects across ING to leverage Data Analytics Platform on Google Cloud by coordinating onboarding, improving and documenting the onboarding process, involving the right people at the right time and aligning project needs with product offering,
  • manage the migrations roadmap and ensure that the project is executed in accordance with this,
  • resolve and mitigate risks, issues and impediments.

Information about the squad:

ING is now building its Data Analytics Platform in Google Cloud! It is to help ING to be even more data-driven. This is a joined effort between ING units and you are going to be part of distributed multi-national and multi-cultural team. There is plenty of work and fun down this road!

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be "Customer Journey Expert -Universal II”

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Bei der ING möchten wir, dass jeder sein volles Potenzial entfalten kann. Wir schaffen eine Kultur, in der jeder wachsen und einen Unterschied machen kann – für unsere Kundinnen und Kunden und die Gesellschaft. Diversität, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion sind für uns selbstverständlich. Wir tolerieren keine Form der Diskriminierung, sei es aufgrund von Alter, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, kulturellem Hintergrund, Erfahrung, Religion, Herkunft, Behinderung, familiären Verpflichtungen, sexueller Orientierung oder anderen Gründen. Wenn Ihr während des Bewerbungsprozesses oder der Vorstellungsgespräche Unterstützung benötigt, kontaktiert uns bitte über die E-Mail-Adresse in der Stellenanzeige. Wir helfen gerne, um einen fairen und einfachen Ablauf sicherzustellen. Hier erfahrt Ihr mehr über unser Engagement für Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging.

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