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Product Manager in Fraud Devops Area

ING Hubs

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ING Hubs Poland is hiring!

We are looking for you, if you:

  • have experience with Product management,
  • understand concepts related to software engineering and IT Processes (ITIL),
  • experience with Agile methodology,
  • have been working in complex team setups,
  • know how to act under priority changes and unexpected situations in a team,
  • ability to analyze requirements and cooperate with stakeholders,
  • can adapt way of working to rapidly changing requirements,
  • have ability to identify problems, analyzing key information and making connections, in order to find appropriate solution.

You'll get extra points for:

  • experience with Azure DevOps,
  • knowledge of software development process and tools (CI/CD, Ansible),
  • having a background in finance or banking, particularly with fraud detection systems or decision engine systems,
  • self-disciplined, very proactive and organized, with ability to identify what needs to be done.

Your responsibilities:

  • prioritize the backlog to obtain maximum stakeholder value and optimal capacity utilization,
  • manage the delivery roadmap of the service,
  • play an active role in the QBR (quarterly business review) to ensure user epic feasibility, applying your business and content knowledge,
  • keep the stakeholders informed on the Product Roadmap and the progress of the feature delivery and upcoming releases,
  • solve impediments encountered by your team in the development of the Product,
  • coordination of delivery with other squads.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Product Manager III”

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