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Application development engineer

ING Hubs

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ING Hubs Poland is hiring!

We are looking for you if:

  • you are able to analyze & solve problems efficiently,
  • you are good at communication and are able to deliver results as promised,
  • you have prior experience in building platforms in RHEL environment,
  • proficiency in PL/SQL and experience with Oracle databases,
  • knowledge of Ansible and scripting languages (e.g., Python, Shell),
  • experience with performance tuning and optimization of applications,
  • willingness to work in shifts and provide 24x7 support on a rotational basis,
  • you have been using tools like GIT, Jenkins or any other CDCI solutions.

English level - B1/B2

You'll get extra points for:

  • understanding of accounting principles,
  • test automation.

Your responsibilities:

  • application development & administration,
  • making the environment secure and reliable.
  • availability for on-call support 24/7 as needed, to ensure continous operational support.

Information about the product:

The Aptitude Accounting Hub (AAH) is a finance management software designed to centralize and streamline accounting processes. It supports multi-entity and multi-GAAP accounting, providing detailed balances in various currencies.

AAH automates end-to-end accounting, helping to speed up financial close and ensure regulatory compliance. It offers features like double-entry accounting, drill-down reporting, and configurable period-end processing

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer III”

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