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Intelligent Automation Business Analyst

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Intelligent Automation Business Analyst

Job Description

The IA Business Analyst is responsible for leading intake and discovery sessions in the Intelligent Automation space. The BA is responsible for analyzing as-is state of business processes and identify opportunities for automation.

One of the main tasks of the BA is also to prepare the documentations needed, cost-benefit analysis, perform risk assessment, and develop test cases. He/she works with the process owners, SMEs, and stakeholders to execute the intelligent automation projects on time. The IA BAs are also expected to build meaningful relationships with stakeholders and identify process improvements to build long term pipelines within different banking domains.

Lastly, the IA BAs are also expected to help build and refine best practices in their work and participate in the global RPA BA community.

Job Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Computer Science, IT, or Business
  • 3-5 years of experience in Technology Business Analysis and/or Process Improvement
  • Experience in Intelligent Automation tools such as RPA (Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, or UI Path), OCR (Abby, etc.), and Natural Language Processing. Automation Anywhere and Abby will be prioritized
  • Strong analytical skills and able to produce clear and concise business and technical documentation
  • Outstanding communication skills
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