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COO Academy Manila: FCFP Learning Lead

ING Hubs

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Working with various stakeholders and utilizing your strong understanding of Financial Crime, the CDD strategy and global way of working, complemented with learning capabilities building.

  • Leading a FCFP Academy team that:
    • Provides FCFP training for ING Hub Philippines as well as for other ING Hub locations and countries/globally, in person (where possible) and remotely. This also might include training of Front Office staff, depending on their role in the FCFP process.
    • Defines global FCFP onboarding, training, route to competence, certification, and ongoing continuous development standards following COO Academy frameworks and standards
    • Designs and develops training programmes, training materials and delivery mechanisms, including remote training.
    • Implements training standards and processes in Hub
  • Supporting/Covering any training and development related initiatives on site including Managers and staff skills and competencies development
  • Covering training initiatives execution control and completion reporting to the local Managers
  • Managing local training budget including guidance, coordination, and reporting
  • Contributing to the COO Academy for global content creation for multiple learning modalities and primarily focused on online/VILT CDD content creation
  • Driving local project specific content creation for the HUBS
  • Participating in projects and initiatives with Global FCFP (Academy) community
  • Ensuring to bring in L&D expertise and alignment with Hub HR.
  • Being on top of innovative learning solutions and the need of the clients; Know what is ongoing and upcoming in the industry, assess new learning methodologies, and align with the local needs
  • Working as one team with other Global FCFP Training Leads ING Hub and Global COO Academy – FCFP Lead.

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