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Cost Accounting Specialist

ING Hubs

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Your tasks:

  • Works in the day-to-day business of his/her department, in which he/she process all accounting-related activities for invoices, travel and expenses (incl. corporate cards).
  • Checks, allocates accounts, and posts invoices, travel and expenses (incl. corporate cards) and prepares payment and travel runs.
  • Performs all monthly, quarterly and year-end closing work, for example by preparing all relevant postings and creating balance statements.
  • Works with internal and external stakeholders (e.g. Tax, HR, Financial Account & Controls and IT).
  • Is the contact person for day-to-day operations (e.g. for returns, handling special cases and technical questions).
  • Provides technical support to the Payments specialist in creation of concepts (e.g. support work for technical concepts, for example, for the implementation of system requirements due to regulatory changes).
  • Supports the Payments specialist in evaluating the knowledge gained from the operational processes in order to define and implement efficiencies (e.g. makes his/her knowledge of the operational day-to-day business available or tests implementations in the test system).
  • Edited guidelines, work instructions and process documentation to minimize the risk of findings from internal and external controls.
  • Represents and supports the Expertise Lead Request2Pay and the Specialist In Payments on technical issues (e.g. by creating presentations, creating evaluations or decision templates.

What we are looking for:

  • A completed degree in business administration with a focus on accounting or a completed commercial training with subject-specific additional qualifications
  • At least 2 years professional experience in accounts payable (ideally bank)
  • well-founded standard IT knowledge and the subject-specific software (SAP)
  • B.1 Level of French Language knowledge; preferably
  • C.1 Level if English Language knowledge
  • Good knowledge in dealing with MS Office products
  • A high level of commitment, resilience and stress resistance
  • Solution-oriented approach
  • Solid analytical skills and a structured and independent way of working
  • Strong Communication skills, ability to work in a team and a desire for responsibility and new challenges as well
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