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Meet a Trainee

ING Bank


You are interested in the International Talent Programme (ITP) or the Junior Expert Program (JEP) at ING Germany and would like to find out more about them? Then get to know one of our (former) trainees and find out everything you need to know about our two graduate programs.

Please be aware that this is not an application for the program itself, but for a meeting with an ING trainee.

1-on-1 meeting  
In the 'Meet a Trainee' format, we connect you directly with trainees from a specific field. This way, you can get to know a trainee in person or virtually and learn more about the content of the programs. Our trainees will be happy to tell you about their personal experiences, the application process, the challenges, or their daily tasks and answer any questions you may have. 

Simply apply online - with these documents

Curious? You are a student in your final year of study and interested in joining our ITP or JEP? Then simply apply online with these documents:

  • Your CV 
  • A letter of motivation so that we know which of the two programs and which track you are interested in. Please also indicate when you would like to start the program.

Please note that due to the large number of applications, we cannot offer a "Meet a Trainee" appointment to everyone interested and therefore the entry requirements for our trainee programs must be met in the first step.  

You can find more information about the ITP and JEP on our careers page.

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ING Recruitment team


En ING queremos que las personas den lo mejor de sí mismas. Tenemos una cultura inclusiva donde todos pueden crecer y hacer la diferencia para nuestros clientes y la sociedad. Apoyamos siempre la diversidad, la igualdad y la inclusión. No toleramos ninguna forma de discriminación, ya sea por edad, género, identidad de género, cultura, experiencia, religión, raza, discapacidad, responsabilidades familiares, orientación sexual u otro motivo. Si necesitas ayuda o algún ajuste durante el proceso de selección o entrevista, ponte en contacto con el reclutador indicado en la oferta. Estaremos encantados de colaborar contigo para que todo sea justo y accesible. Haz clic aquí para saber más sobre nuestro compromiso con la diversidad y la inclusión

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