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Operational Risk Officer

ING Bank

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The Mission:

As an Operational Risk Officer, you are mainly responsible for challenge of risks and controls identified by 1st LOD, you play advisory and challenge role in Risk and Control Self-Assessments, Sourcing, Business Continuity Management, Incident Management and Reporting, Issue Management and Reporting, Anti-Fraud Management and last but not least you facilitate Non-Financial Risk Committee sessions and challenge risk scores. 

Your Day-to-Day:

  • Executes ORM activities and framework within the ING Risk appetite
  • Monitors the execution of operational procedures within CEE 6 countries
  • Challenges, advises, and supports the development, definition, and implementation of Operational Risk Management
  • Raises ORM awareness
  • Fulfills all requirements for Key Control Testing (2nd line monitoring role)
  • Event identification & reporting (2nd LoD tasks)
  • Ensures preparation and facilitation of the monthly local NFRC meetings and documentation of the NFRC meeting minutes
  • Challenge and advice the Risk and Control Self-Assessment Process (RCSA)
  • Coordinates preparation of the monthly KRI, Action Tracking, and Non-Financial Risk (NFR) reports, ensures updated Risk Profile and Risk Appetite Statement including NFR Dashboard challenge (risk scores)
  • Monitors audit and non-audit items resulting from external and internal audit findings
  • Liaises with local regulators, internal and external auditors on ORM issues highlighted as a result of their on-going investigations
  • Specific Security functions are:
    • Quarterly support of 1st LoD (Facility management) of the Clean Desk Policy checks
    • Review of pre-event checklists (ING Events)
    • Advise and Challenge of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery initiatives
  • Assists the managers in ensuring the receipt of satisfactory ratings in internal audits
  • Acting as backup for Local Anti-Fraud Officer
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