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TECH DEV Engineer (Technical Services) DOTNET

ING Bank

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Job title
Senior Full stack Developer

As full stack developer in the RCS Development team you will be responsible for creating new and maintaining current functionality in an ING Global Application in the area of Identity Access Management and Risk

The team
The team is a development team specialized in developing ING Enterprise Applications (used globally). We excel in delivering on time, on budget and above expectations. As team we work as a team, results are team results. We are open, honest and do everything possible to provide a safe and inclusive environment.

Roles and responsibilities
As senior full stack developer you will 

  • Be part of the design phase of new functionality.
  • Be part of the code review process ensuring 0 incidents when releasing to production
  • Take initiative on improving current code
  • Always ask why, without a valid reason there can be no business value

Rewards and benefits
We want to make sure that it’s possible for you to strike the right balance between your career and your private life. Find out more about our employment conditions.

The benefits of working with us at ING include:

●          A gross salary between € xx and € xx  

●          24-27 vacation days depending on contract

●          Pension scheme

●          13th month salary

●          8% Holiday payment

●          Hybrid working

●          Personal growth and challenging work with endless possibilities

●          An informal working environment with innovative colleagues

About us
Curious about how ING empowers people and businesses to move forward? Discover what we do and what we can offer you.

Contact the recruiter attached to the advertisement. Want to apply directly? Please upload your CV and motivation letter by clicking the ‘Apply’ button.

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ING Recruitment team

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La ING, ne dorim ca fiecare persoană să-și atingă potențialul maxim. Avem o cultură incluzivă, unde toată lumea are șansa de a crește și de a face diferența pentru clienții noștri și pentru societate. Sprijinim diversitatea, echitatea și incluziunea. Nu tolerăm nicio formă de discriminare, fie că este legată de vârstă, gen, identitate de gen, cultură, experiență, religie, rasă, dizabilitate, responsabilități familiale, orientare sexuală sau alt motiv. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor în procesul de aplicare sau interviu, te rugăm să contactezi recrutorul indicat în anunț. Suntem bucuroși să te ajutăm să treci printr-un proces echitabil și accesibil. Află mai multe despre angajamentul nostru pentru diversitate și incluziune aici.

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