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Head of Starters and Accountis

ING Bank

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You build a strong internal external network & partnerships, analyze the needs and changes in the market and respond to this in order to attract new Starters, Accountis clients/prospects  and clients of Accountis clients.

You optimize the commercial approach, create synergies with Private Individuals and work on optimizing processes related to these ecosystems. In doing so, you’ll receive the support of the Digital Sales team, however you are in the driver seat!

You drive: 

  • The business development of the Starters & Accountis ecosystem:
    • Acquisition
    • Development of the primary relation, the cross-selling, the profitability and NPS
    • Actively monitor and analyze the data with regard to performance of the ecosystems and act upon them
  • The development of a strong stakeholder network outside the bank.
    • The negotiation and follow up of agreements with external partners
    • Identify new sponsoring/collaboration opportunities, both on national and local level
    • The implementation of different Marketing actions like events & webinars  (with the support of the local Starters & Accountis ambassadors)
    • Be present on external activities & fairs
  • Following and understanding the marketchanges and develop an appropriate strategy:
    • Having a profound understanding of the Easy service model, digital capabilities and online journeys
    • Acquiring a profound understanding of the commercial needs in order to create the best possible value proposition and customer journeys
    • Consider new developments to follow and anticipate changes
  • Create a strong internal network where you serve of the spoc for the different stakeholders. This also includes managing central projects, involving various stakeholders: Initiate the necessary projects to support your strategy while also taking the role of customer journey expert in these projects
  • Ensuring an efficient communication via the different channels and touch points:
    • Analyzing and managing the external communication needs (in collaboration with the Digital Sales team)
    • Creating the necessary awareness for the specificities of Starters & Accountis to different internal stakeholders and teams internally
  • Development and animation of an internal ecosystem community & active coaching of the Starters & Accountis ambassadors

our Skills:

·Driven and customer focused, loving to collaborate with different people and clients

·Strong communication skills: Fluent written and oral Dutch, French and English

·Strong stakeholder management skills

·Accountable, taking ownership, wanting to make the difference for our customers

·Ability to develop a long term vision and translate this vision into concrete actions

·Analytic mindset to interpret figures and results

·Have leadership skills and good management skills

Your team :

You will be part of the Marketing & Ecosystems team in the Business Banking Tribe and will also be closely collaborating with the Digital Sales team and the Starters & Accountis ambassadors.

You will report directly to the Head of Marketing & Communication Business Banking/Wholesale Banking

GJA: 17

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