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DATA ANALYST (Credit Risk)

ING Hubs

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As Data Analyst:

  • Perform thorough analysis and articulation of credit risk model data requirements, identification and understanding of specific data quality issues to ensure effective delivery data to the users using standard tools.
  • You will provide analysis of internal and external regulations (credit risk) and preparation of functional documentation on this basis
  • You work with large amounts of data: facts, figures, and number crunching. You will need to see through the data and analyse it to find conclusions. This by data-mining activities, in-depth data analysis, validating by combining and interpreting data.
  • You identify and define new data improvement opportunities.

We are looking for

We are looking for specialists / experts to join the Data Analytics team to support the processes of building risk models and management reports in the area of finance and risk. We combine knowledge of risk modeling and advanced data processing. We have extensive knowledge of the Bank's processes, which enables us to understand and interpret data for the purposes of modeling and reporting the phenomena accompanying these processes. Our work focuses on data analysis and preparing it for reporting and modeling.


  • You have a college degree in e.g. Mathematics, Computer/Data Science, Information Management or Statistics
  • You have knowledge of and experience in Data Analysis in the area of financial or credit risk
  • You know SQL very well (required)
  • You know how to program very well in SAS (4GL)
  • You can interpret data on your own based on the collected information and assumptions,
  • You have an ability to clearly and succinctly express ideas, facts and opinions, supported by appropriate tools.
  • You know how to identify problems, analysing key information and making connections, to find appropriate solutions.
  • You can complete tasks and achieves results in an efficient, timely and high-quality manner, with a focus on execution and delivery of targets and KPIs.
  • Attention to Detail: Data is precise. You make sure you are vigilant in your analysis to come to correct conclusions
  • You actively ask for help and feedback and are not afraid to give feedback
  • You easily adapt to a new environment
  • Preferred skills
    • Understanding of the credit process at the Bank,
    • Experience in working with credit or market risk modeling (PD, LGD, EAD, IFRS9, IRB),
    • Ability to analyse and understand the Bank's balance sheet,
    • Experience in working with Agile / Scrum,
    • Experience IN Bash, GIT/GitLab, Jenkins, Confluence.
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