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Data Information Analyst

ING Hubs

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ING is looking to recruit a Data Management - Data Modeling Analyst within the Chapter. The team member will be responsible for the front-to-end analysis of the requirements from the various Regulatory and Business Initiatives.

If you are good at:

  • Collaborating with Business Data Owners, Data Stewards, and Stakeholders to examine and understand their data requirements
  • Refining the data requirements and translate them to business terms and develop conceptual models
  • Delivering agreed principles and quality criteria: ING Esperanto Business terms, Conceptual Data Models, Logical Data Models, data mappings and other documentation necessary to bring into the global data definition of the entire ING group
  • Supporting, coaching, and training of colleagues in ING on ING Esperanto
  • Maintaining business terms and definitions, including data quality requirements and meta data
  • Support defining requirements for Data Quality, Data Lineage and Data Governance
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