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Web Engineer

ING Hubs

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Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver quality code that fulfills the business requirements

  • Develop and maintain standards of software development and components where

    applicable within the team

  • Conduct code reviews that adhere to organizational standards

  • Take ownership of systems and services assigned in production

  • Identify and reduce technical debt

  • Liaise with a broad range of people including peers, product owners, and other


Key Capabilities/Experience

  • Experience with modern software development frameworks such as Lit, React, Vue, Angular, Svelte and others

  • Experience with the Javascript ecosystem, tooling, and package management

  • Good understanding of modern front-end development concepts

  • Experience or familiarity with CI/CD pipelines

Minimum Qualifications

  • 3-5 years of software development experience, with a minimum of 2 years experience in Front-End development

  • Deep understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • Good understanding of web accessibility

  • Experience using test runners such as Karma, Jest and Web Test Runner

  • Experience using test frameworks/libraries such as Mocha, Chai and Sinon

  • Experience using complex git workflows

  • Proficient in English (written and verbal)

  • Strong communication skills

  • Experience with agile and scrum or kanban

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