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Energy Stageur

ING Bank

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ING Bank NV, a Dutch International Bank, is searching for a young, talented resource to work within the Milan based Energy department.
The resource will join a team of 8 and will report into the Head of Energy Italy.

ING Energy team in Italy originates and executes deals within the Energy sector (including, inter alia, power, renewables, natural resources) across the full spectrum of financing structures, from general corporate banking products to non-recourse long-term asset based financing.
The resource will provide support to team members with daily activities of both commercial, credit and administrative nature.

The resource will be required to work within a challenging environment which could be stressful as well as enjoyable.

Economics or Management Engineering degree 
Strong commitment, team work attitude, freshness of approach and fluency in English are an absolute must

The internship will have a tenor of 6 months full time and is related to an educational purpose only. There is no guarantee or expectation that such activity will result in employment with ING.

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Elena Salvi

Presenta la candidatura

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