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KYC Client Outreach Analyst

ING Bank

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Role Summary

Creates and/or updates client files to global standards, collects and monitors all relevant documents concerning the identity of the customer, as well as gaining insight into their business, ownership structure and financial transactions to protect ING and its customers through the execution of client due diligence in accordance with ING standards.

KYC Client Outreach function is responsible for supporting Know Your Customer (KYC) execution in accordance with ING compliance policies and procedures. The role plays an important part as liaison between stakeholder groups involved in the delivery of KYC processes, including processing units, front office, compliance and operational groups across the organization. An Outreach Analyst within the team will be responsible for engaging with internal and external stakeholders on a daily basis and ensuring the uninterrupted flow of communications between parties. An analyst will ensure that all required documents and data from clients is collected and stored in system and as such delivered to the CDU for further processing. This is for both existing and new clients.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Liaise with internal and external stakeholders on a daily basis (processing units, front office, compliance, CoE, clients)
  • Ensure that all required documents and data from clients is collected and stored in system and as such delivered to the processing units for further processing in line with regulatory and internal ING requirements, including FATCA, CRS, ESR (Environmental and Social Risk).
  • Understand and confidently communicate the KYC requirements to internal and external stakeholders
  • Support and educate clients on KYC initiatives of the bank and general KYC/AML requirements
  • Acquire and maintain accurate KYC documentation
  • Validate provided documentation for reasonableness and completeness
  • Ensure high quality customer experience
  • Monitoring and supervision of KYC control environment

What are the skill and qualification requirements of the role?

  • Previous experience in KYC/AML in a client facing environment is highly preferable
  • Highly analytical person with ability to recognize important information and identify risks
  • Strong organizational skills with excellent attention to detail
  • Ability to deliver to a high standard under pressure and short deadlines
  • Ability to multitask and manage a high number of priorities
  • Good knowledge of MS office package (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
  • Strong communication skills with fluency in English and Japanese

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Syeulgi Choi

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